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    题名: 無形資產中技術價值「影響因素與評估模式」之研究─以「資訊科技相關技術」為例
    The Research on Essential Valuation Factors and Valuation Model of Technology─Case Study of Information Technology
    作者: 張孟元
    Chang, Mong-Yuan
    贡献者: 劉江彬

    Paul C.B. Liu
    W.T. Liu

    Mong-Yuan Chang
    关键词: 技術轉移
    Technology Transfer
    Technology Valuation
    Essential Indicator of Technology Valuation
    Valuation Model of Technology
    日期: 2002
    上传时间: 2016-03-31 15:44:07 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究透過理論與實證調查,探討進行技術交易時影響價值評量的「關鍵指標」與技術價值的「評估模式」。此價值評估指標可以協助於技術評價時,建立客觀及公正的一致性標準,降低社會成本、提昇無形資產的價值及運用度。本研究所建立「市場基準的評價理論」,將技術價值評量模式分為三個價值構面:(1)商業價值,以市場機制為本評估新技術進入價值高低,由市場結構與規模、市場預期遠景與接受度、市場擴散能力與促銷三項結構指標組成。(2) 技術價值:由技術競爭與創新能力、技術支援能力與風險、技術應用程度及基礎科學能力等結構指標組成。(3)技術策略(智財權應用)價值:產權策略、產品信用及有利條款、交互授權條件等結構指標組成。
    Through theoretical and empirical studies, this research focuses primarily on the essential valuation indicator and valuation model of technology. The purpose is to eliminate the discrepancy distraction and obtain an most accurate and fair result. The market-based valuation model has based on three values: (1) Business Value─market structure & size, market drawing & acceptance, market expansion & promotion. (2) Technology Value─technology innovation & competition, technology assistance capability & risk, technology implementation & science base capability. (3) Technology Strategy Value─property rights & product creditability & favorable condition, crossing licensing condition.
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    描述: 博士
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