參考文獻: | 中文書目 陳鵬升,民87,社區居民為地方公共財捐獻意願的探討--以新增一所國民中學為例,國立成功大學都市計劃研究所。 蔡蕙雯,民81,自來水原水品質需求之研究,國立台灣大學農業經濟研究所碩士論文。 英文書目 Alberini, A. (1995a), “Optimal Designs for Discrete Choice Contingent Valuation Surveys:Single-Bound, Double-Bound, and Bivariate Models,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 28, 287-306. Alberini, A. (1995b), “Efficiency vs Bias of Willingness-to-Pay Estimates: Bivariate and Interval-Data Models,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 29, 169-180. Alberini, A., and Carson, R. T. (1993), “Choice of Thresholds for Efficient Binary Discrete Choice Estimation,” RFF Quality of the Environment Division Discussion Paper QE93-14, Washington, DC. Bishop, R. C., and Heberlein, T. A. (1979), “Measuring Values of Extra-Market Goods: Are Indirect Measures Biased?” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 61, 926-930. Bain, L. J., and Engelhardt, M. (1992), Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Duxbury, Belmont, California. Boyle, K. J., and Bishop, R. C. (1988), “Welfare Measurements Using Contingent Valuation: A Comparison of Techniques,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 70, 20-28. Cameron, T. A., and Huppert, D. D. (1989), “OLS Versus ML Estimation of Non-Market Resource Values With Payment Card Interval Data,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 17, 230-246. Cameron, T. A., and Huppert, D. D. (1991), “Referendum Contingent Valuation Estimates:Sensitivity to the Assignment of Offered Values,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 86, 910-918. Cameron, T. A., and Quiggin, J. (1994), “Estimation Using Contingent Valuation Data from a ‘Dichotomous Choice with Fellow-Up’ Questionnaire,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 27, 218-234. Casella, G., and Berger, L. R. (1990), Statistical inference, Duxbury, Belmont, California. Cummings, R. G., Brookshire, D. S., and Schulze, W. D. (1986), Valuing Environmental Goods: An Assessment of the Contingent Valuation Method, Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Allanheld. Ford, I., Torsney, B., and Wu, C. F. J. (1992), “The Use of Canonical Form in the Construction of Locally Optimal Designs for Nonlinear Problems,” J. Roy. Statist. Society, B, 54, 569-583. Hanemann, W. M., Loomis, J. B., and Kanninen, B. (1991), “Statistical Efficiency of Double-Bounded Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 73, 1255-1263. Hogg, R. V., and Tanis, E. A. (1983), Probability and Statistical Inference, Macmillan, New York. Mitchell, R. C., and Carson, R. T. (1989), Using Surveys to Value Public Goods: The Contingent Valuation Method, Washington, D. C.: Resources for the Future. Rowe, R. D., d’Arge, R. C., and Bookshire, D. S. (1980), “An Experiment on the Economic Value of Visibility,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 7, 1-19. Shao, Jun (1999), Mathematical Statistics, Springer-Verlag, New York. Thomson, C. J., and Huppert, D. D. (1987), “Results of the Bay Area Sportfish Economic Study (BASES),” NOAA Technical Memorandum, U. S. Department of Commerce, National Marine Fisheries Service. Wu, C. F. J. (1988), “Optimal Design for Percentile Estimation of a Quantal Response Curve,” in Optimal Design and Analysis of Experiments, eds. Y. Dodge, V. V. Fedorov, and H. P. Wynn, Eisevier Science, Amsterdam. |