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    Title: 任務型教學活動對國小學童英語閱讀理解之成效
    The Effects of Task-Based Activities on Elementary Students` English Reading Comprehension
    Authors: 陳瑛芬
    Chen, Ying Fen
    Contributors: 余明忠
    Yu, Ming Chung
    Chen, Ying Fen
    Keywords: 任務型教學
    task-based teaching
    reading comprehension
    English learning attitudes
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-03-01 10:55:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討任務型教學活動對國小學童英語閱讀理解以及學習態度的影響。本研究對象為五十位來自台北市某公立小學四年級學生。他們分為實驗組和對照組。兩組無論在人數、性別、先前正式英語課程學習經驗及實驗前的閱讀理解測驗表現和英語學習態度問卷結果皆相似。實驗組採用任務型教學而對照組實施傳統PPP教學。兩組學生接受每週八十分鐘的教學。經過十二週教學後,兩組學生皆實施閱讀理解測驗之後測和英語學習態度問卷之後測。所有自兩組學生蒐集到的閱讀理解測驗之分數以及學習態度問卷之後測分數皆以獨立樣本t檢定來進行統計分析。研究結果顯示實驗組學生和對照組學生在閱讀理解測驗及英語學習態度皆有顯著差異。接受任務型教學的實驗組學生之閱讀理解測驗成績明顯優於實施傳統PPP教學的對照組學生。另外,實驗組學生比對照組學生持有更正向的英語學習態度。希望此研究結果可以提供英語老師們一些如何使用任務型教學活動來增進國小學童的閱讀能力的實務上建議。 最後,也提供未來的研究一些方向和建議。
    This study investigated the effects of task-based activities on elementary students’ English reading comprehension and their attitudes towards English learning.
    The participants were fifty fourth-grade students from a public elementary school in Taipei. They were divided into two groups. The two groups were similar regarding numbers, gender, prior experiences with formal English instruction, reading performance and English Learning Attitudes. The students in the experimental group received TBLT instruction while the students in the control group received PPP instruction. Both groups received 80 minutes instruction per week. After a twelve-week instruction, the post-test of the revised reading comprehension test (RRCTCYLE) and the post-study English Learning Attitudes Questionnaire (ELA) were administered to both groups. The mean scores gathered from the post-test of the RRCTCYLE test, and those of the post-study ELA questionnaire were analyzed through independent samples t-tests. The results showed the students in the experimental group performed significantly better on the post-test than the students in the control group. The experimental group also demonstrated more positive attitudes towards English learning than the control group. It is hoped that the findings of this present study could provide English teachers with some practical suggestions on how to use task-based activities to improve students’ reading abilities. Last, some suggestions for future research were also offered.
    Keywords: task-based teaching, reading comprehension, English learning attitudes
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