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    題名: 美國對台軍售戰略意涵之研究
    A Study on the Strategic Implication of US Arms Sales to Taiwan
    作者: 劉盈梅
    Liu, Ying Mei
    貢獻者: 王定士
    Wang, Ding Shu
    Liu, Ying Mei
    關鍵詞: US Arms Sales
    Taiwan Relations Act
    U.S.-PRC Joint Communiqué
    China’s Rise
    Pivot to Asia
    日期: 2015
    上傳時間: 2016-03-01 10:54:46 (UTC+8)
    摘要: US arms sales to Taiwan has always been a controversial issue. It gets involved in complicated interactions among the United States, Taiwan and China. It is also related to Taiwan’s security and safety. The United Stated did not stop arms sales to Taiwan on the basis of “Taiwan Relations Act.” after breaking off the diplomatic relationship. Although “U.S.-PRC Joint Communiqué” restricts U.S. support to Taiwan, the actual amounts of arms sales are still considerable increased. Taiwan’s arms procurement relies on U.S. deeply under the circumstances of China’s not giving up using the force against Taiwan. Moreover, US arms sales to Taiwan shows the military alliances of two countries. In the 21st century, China’s growing economic, political and military capabilities have impacted on the Asia-Pacific geopolitics. The United States provides Taiwan with defensive weapons based on its own interests and strategic considerations. US “Pivot to Asia” policy has not only the diplomatic security and economic considerations, but also shows the U.S.-led Asia-Pacific region ambition. Recently, the United States initiates a series of Taiwan-US military exchanges. It shows that the United States must take counter measures to respond to Chinese fast layout in the South China Sea. That is why the strategic role of Taiwan for the American “Pivot to Asia” policy is re-valued. Taiwan will have more reasons to apply for the purchase of US weapons in the future based on defense needs.
    參考文獻: Chinese Literature
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