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Title: | 台北市私立幼兒園市場導向、核心競爭能力與幼兒園品質之關係研究 A Relation Study of Market Orientation, Core Competence and Quality of Private Preschool in Taipei City |
Authors: | 鍾玉婷 |
Contributors: | 湯志民 鍾玉婷 |
Keywords: | 幼兒園 市場導向 核心競爭能力 幼兒園品質 Preschool Market Orientation Core Competition Quality of Preschool |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-03-01 10:52:25 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究採用分層隨意抽樣的量化問卷調查方法,以台北市立案之私立幼兒園之園長為對象,以三成作抽樣比例,先以電話聯絡園所,經園所同意後,再採郵寄問卷方式,輔以電話催收,共選取173所私立幼兒園。研究工具包括下列四部份:1.幼兒園組織特性調查表;2.研究者(2011)編製之市場導向量表;3.研究者(2011)編製之核心競爭能力量表及4.徐聯恩、劉蓁(2006)發展之幼兒園品質量表。 研究結論有五: 1. 台北市私立幼兒園園長覺知之市場導向、核心競爭能力均在中高程度,其覺知之幼兒園品質亦多屬於中高程度。 2. 台北市私立幼兒園園長覺知之市場導向、核心競爭能力與幼兒園品質不會因幼兒園園長專業背景及幼兒園經營型態等組織特性而呈現差異存在,但會因其餘組織特性(園長年齡、園長教育程度、園長幼教服務總年資、任職本園年資、任職本園園長年資、幼兒園成立歷史、幼兒園規模、幼兒園生師比)之不同而存在差異。 3. 台北市私立幼兒園之市場導向、核心競爭能力與幼兒園品質之間具有顯著正相關。 4. 台北市私立幼兒園之市場導向及核心競爭能力可以預測幼兒園品質。 5. 台北市私立幼兒園之市場導向可藉由核心競爭能力的完全中介作用,間接正向影響幼兒園品質。 This study adopts questionnaire survey method. A total of 173 usable questionnaires were collected from 173 administrators of private preschools in Taipei City. The measurement tools are fourfold: 1. preschool organization characteristics; 2. Chung (2011) market orientation scale; 3. Chung (2011) core competition scale and 4. Hsu and Liu (2006) preschool quality scale. The main conclusions of this study are fivefold: 1. Administrators of private preschools in Taipei City have high perception towards market orientation, core competition and quality of preschool. 2. Within Taipei City private preschools there are no significant differences, neither due to the administrator’s professional background nor the type of preschool. There are however, significant differences due to other organizational characteristics such as the administrator’s age, their level of education and administrative experience, the perpetuation and size of the school, and the student to teacher ratio. 3. Significant positive correlation existed among market orientation, core competition and quality of private preschool in Taipei City. 4. Market orientation and core competition can predict quality of private preschool in Taipei City. 5. Core competition did have the significant mediated effects of market orientation on quality of preschool. |
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