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    Title: 農地重劃能阻止農地細碎化與違規使用嗎? —台南市八老爺重劃區之實證分析
    Can Farmland Consolidation stop the Fragmentation and Illegal Use of Farmland? An Empirical Study of Ba Lao Ye Farmland Consolidation Project
    Authors: 邱鈺婷
    Chiu, Yu Ting
    Contributors: 林子欽

    Lin, Tzu Chin
    Ding, Hsiu Yin

    Chiu, Yu Ting
    Keywords: 農地細碎化
    farmland fragmentation
    farmland consolidation
    illegal use of farmland
    increasing returns to scale
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2016-03-01 10:47:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 農地面積的大小,對於農業經營成本與耕作效率的影響甚鉅。根據規模報酬遞增法則,單筆土地面積愈大,機械化耕作的農地生產效率就會提高;相對地,其農業經營單位成本就會愈低。然而,由於社會經濟環境的變遷,導致了農地被分割情形增加,單筆農地面積越來越小。因此,實施農地重劃最主要目的在於農地本身型態的調整,其重劃內容包含細碎坵塊之合併(每坵塊面積擴大與標準化)等等。但是,隨著時間遞嬗,已完成農地重劃地區可能再面臨農地細碎問題,使得農地重劃目標與效益無法彰顯。故本研究目的在評估「農地重劃對於整合/擴大農地規模之成果」以及「農地產權關係處理與農地面積的關聯性」,並探討「農地重劃後優良農地違規使用的問題」。
    本研究選定台南市柳營區八老爺農地重劃區作為研究地區。為檢視台灣農地細分問題,本研究第一階段首先進行農地細碎程度的衡量,利用Januszewski Index與Gini係數等2項指標加以分析本研究地區農地重劃前後至現今之農地細碎程度。並將研究期間分為重劃前、重劃後與現況。最後,分析「購買農地違規興建工廠使用」與「購買丁種建築用地合法興建工廠使用」之成本差異,藉此得知農地違規使用所需付出的代價如何。
    研究結果可發現,本研究地區實施農地重劃後達到整合農地面積平均化之效果,但未達到面積擴大效果。此地區於民國76年(農地重劃後)到民國103年止,其Januszewski Index皆反映出農地平均面積於實施重劃後變小、更加細分,並無實現當初農地重劃政策之擴大面積目標。另外,Gini係數最大值出現在民國75年(農地重劃前),最小值出現在民國76年到民國81年,顯示農地重劃後農地面積分配平均。但就整體分析可知,實施農地重劃後各筆農地面積雖分配平均,但農地細分情形並未獲改善,反而至今更加嚴重,導致農地重劃擴大農地面積之效益難以顯現。而在產權分析方面,農地重劃確實簡化產權共有關係。在此分析中,農地重劃後共有農地總筆數與總面積的比例下降許多,且農地重劃後所有權總人數大幅減少,產權型態大多為單獨所有,這也顯示出實施農地重劃確實能達到產權關係簡化的效益。最後,可發現實施農地重劃後之地區其違規使用成本低廉,藉由「購買農地違規建工廠使用」與「購買丁種建築用地合法建工廠使用」之成本差異分析,可發現農地違規使用所需付出成本很低,亦顯示實施農地重劃後,本區域之農業生產環境將因遭受破壞而變得更差。
    The size of farmland has a strong effect on the operating costs of agriculture and farming. According to the law of increasing returns to scale, when a parcel of land becomes larger, it will be easier to farm using machines to reduce its average production cost. However, following the changes in the socio-economic environment, farmland tends to be split, and becomes smaller and smaller in size. Therefore, the main purpose of farmland consolidation is to reconfigure farmland into well-shaped parcels. However, as time goes by, farmland in the consolidation areas may face fragmentation problem again which causes farming difficult to achieve scale economies. Therefore, this study aims to assess "the effect of farmland consolidation / land scale increase "and" the connection between farmland ownership and farmland scale, and also to discuss "illegal use of land that follows farmland consolidation. "
    We selected Ba Lao Ye farmland consolidation project in Tainan as the study area. We divided study periods into “before consolidation”, “after consolidation” and “the current state”. In order to examine the issue, we must first understand the fragmentation degree of farmland. Januszewski Index and Gini coefficient are employed to measure the level of farmland fragmentation before and after farmland consolidation. We then analyze the difference in costs between "illegal to factory on the farmland “and “legal factory on the designated industrial zone", to learn the economic incentive of violating land use regulations.
    The results clearly show that farmland consolidation projects can equalize farmland size among parcels, but is not able to increase their average size. Between 1987 and 2014, the Januszewski Index indicates that average size of farmland has become smaller and configuration even more broken after farmland consolidation. Furthermore, Gini coefficient was at the maximum in 1986 (before consolidation), and minimum during 1987 to 1992. Those figures overall show that farmland was allocated equally in size after farmland consolidation, but afterwards the problem of fragmentation was still present and even getting worse over time. As far as ownership structure is concerned, farmland consolidation can actually simplify the complexity of joint-ownership. Implementation of farmland consolidation, has reduce the total area of farmland in joint-ownership and the number of joint-owners by which to achieve the economic benefits of a simplified structure of single ownership in farmland. Finally, “illegal factory on the farmland “was found to incur low costs than “legal factory in a designated industrial zone”. The large difference in production costs suggests that agricultural production in this kind of area may suffer contamination due to environmental deterioration.
    In conclusion, this study suggests that the government should establish the ad hoc land registration information system for farmland consolidation areas, and establish primary and secondary objectives for them. Lastly, design of a new institution may raise the hurdle costs of converting farmland into other uses so as to prevent the loss of high-quality farmland.
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