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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/81545

    Title: 企業併購相關勞資爭議問題研究-以渣打銀行案例為核心
    Labor Dispute under Mergers Acquisition- Case study of Standard Chartered Bank
    Authors: 張瀞文
    Chang, Ching Wen
    Contributors: 林佳和
    Lin, Chia Ho
    Chang, Ching Wen
    Keywords: 企業併購
    Mergers and Acquisitions
    Labor dispute
    Labor rights
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-03-01 10:44:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 面對經營環境的快速變動,併購是企業提升競爭力的途徑,企業希望藉由併購達到擴大規模、節省成本、產生綜效等利益。台灣經濟發展的歷史上,於一九九O年代以前並未出現企業併購的風潮,台灣政府相關部門因應此全球性企業併購風潮,加速國家經濟發展,並協助企業透過法律依據,調整企業結構提昇競爭力,前後制定與企業併購相關法律,藉以規範企業併購適法性。企業併購活動除了企業組織文化、財務結構、人力資源、工商技術、生產設備與發展規劃整合之外,勞資衝突問題亦是主要影響企業併購案成敗重要關鍵。

    In order to face the changes of economic environment, mergers and acquisitions became the most effective method to enhance corporate’s competitiveness. Through the mergers and acquisitions process, corporate expects to expand its market scale, minimize cost and create comprehensive benefits. Adjusting along with this trend, accelerate the economic development and allow corporate to have regulations to in accordance to when merging, government has enactment mergers and acquisitions related legislations to cope with the appropriateness for merging cases. Merging activity includes not just corporate culture restructure, financial structure, human resources, technical skills, production equipment, integration planning, yet labor dispute plays the most important factor on whether the merge will be successful or not.

    This research is conducted using case study based on the labor dispute when Standard Chartered Bank merge Hsinchu International Bank. The main focus will be on the cause of dispute, what type of dispute it occurred and how the dispute was solved at the end. Main purpose for this research is to further analyze the reason why labor dispute happen, which method is mostly used and how to prevent it.
    Reference: 壹、中文部分
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