題名: | 中國網路交易平臺提供商商標間接侵權責任合理注意義務之研究 The Study on Reasonable Care of Secondary Liability for Trademark Infringement of Online Marketplace Providers in China |
作者: | 陳莞青 Chen, Wan Ching |
貢獻者: | 馮震宇 Fong, Jerry G. 陳莞青 Chen, Wan Ching |
關鍵詞: | 注意義務 淘寶網 網路交易平臺提供商 商標侵權 幫助侵權 duty of care Taobao internet service provider ISP trademark infringement contributory infringement |
日期: | 2016 |
上傳時間: | 2016-03-01 10:44:23 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 網路經濟的蓬勃,創造巨額之商機,也引發層出不窮的網路商標侵權案件,衍生出網路交易平臺提供商是否應承擔間接侵權責任以及其所應盡的合理注意義務之爭議。 在C2C 交易模式下,網路交易平臺提供商因不直接參與交易,本文主張其法律地位應屬消極中立之「獨立第三方」。梳理美國、歐盟、中國等相關理論規範後,本文發現:因中國侵權責任法之施行與2014年商標法之修改,中國法系所採共同侵權理論,在立法已有採納歐美法系間接侵權法理之傾向。 就注意義務之判斷,本文進行法律實證分析,以淘寶網為商標侵權被告之案例為研析重點,總結得出:在2011年以前,中國司法實務多以網路交易平臺提供商只需遵循合理的事前審查義務,並建立相應的通知刪除機制,即可予以免責;2011衣念訴淘寶網案顛覆過往判決之見解,該案認為:網路交易平臺提供商應承擔更多的事後注意義務,防範重複侵權之情事。並導入美國實務之「紅旗標準」作為事中義務中「應知」的判斷標準,相較以往只要被動收到通知後刪除即可主張免責的判斷,對網路交易平臺提供者主觀要件之要求更為嚴格。惟,該案所建構之合理義務判斷標準,於現行中國司法實務中尚無法具體落實。 據實證結果,本文進一步對中國現行法制提出改善建議,主張:中國商標法應另訂專章規範網路環境中的間接商標侵權行為;最高人民法院應研擬發佈相關司法解釋明確規範注意義務之內容;並建立第三方司法鑑定機構參與通知刪除審查之規範機制。 再者,本文以比較法觀點分析eBay於美國、歐盟案例與淘寶網案間所呈現的各國實務注意義務的差異以及內在衝突,并檢討我國現行法制,我國現行商標法就網路服務提供者間接侵權責任規定付之闕如,回歸適用民法第 185 條第 1 項或第2項規定,適用上仍有困難。故本文主張我國應參酌外國法之實踐,於商標法中另增訂網路服務提供者間接侵權責任要件,較為完整周延。 另外,目前國際趨勢上,美、日等IP輸出國企圖通過ACTA、TPP等多邊協定,打造更高的智慧財產權執法之國際標準。本文介紹ACTA與TPP中涉及網路交易平臺提供商規範之條款,惟這些多邊協定之制定程序並非在國際場域公開透明地對話協商,過度傾向保護權利人,本文主張應在TRIPs框架對合理注意義務之程度、通知/取下機制、核發禁制令的限制及商標法之安全港制度等議題,充分磋商溝通,訂定統一規範,才是國際調和的當務之急。 The booming network economy presents not only huge business opportunities, but also endless trademark infringements on the Internet, and thus raises debates on secondary liability of online marketplace providers and the duty to take reasonable care thereof. In online C2C business, online marketplace providers is held as a “passive and neutral independent third party” because of being involved in online transaction. After reviewed relevant theories and regulations in the United States, European Union and China, the trend to introduce secondary liability into the tort law system of China is appearing because of the enforcement of “Tort Law of the People`s Republic of China” and the amendment of “Trademark Law of the People`s Republic of China” in 2014. As for the standard of reasonable care, the thesis made an empirical analysis on the trademark infringement cases against Taobao in China, concluding that: previous judgments ruled that online marketplace providers would be exempt from secondary liability as long as they took reasonable scrutiny duty in pre-infringement stage and established appropriate notice-and-takedown mechanism. Surprisingly, in E‧LAND LTD v.s Taobao (2011), the court of China considered this issue in a different perspective, holding that online marketplace providers could and should have more duties in post-infringement stage to prevent similar infringing activities from recurring. Also, in this case, “red-flag standard” of US was applied to review subjective intention “should have known” in the infringement more stringently as compared with the previous cases held. However, so far, the established standard to determine the duty of care in this case still fails to be applied widely in other courts in China. In terms of this, this thesis suggests that : secondary liability should be ruled specifically in “Trademark Law of the People`s Republic of China”; the Supreme People`s Court should issue Judicial Interpretation as to clearly define the content of the duty to take reasonable care; and the regulations to allow third-party Judicial Forensic Institutions involving in notice-and-takedown mechanism should be enacted as soon as possible. Further, according to cases of Tiffany (NJ) Inc. v. eBay, Inc.and L`Oréal v. eBay, this article analyzes the difference as to the duty of care and internal conflicts among EU, US and China. Also, after the review of relevant legal system in Taiwan, some existing problems surface, such as, lack of rules for online marketplace providers’ secondary liability in current Trademark Act and difficulties and insufficiencies in just applying Article 185 of Civil Code under current status. Thus, this article herein suggests that the lawmaker should take into account foreign experience with the real domestic demand to enact clauses as to clearly define online marketplace providers’ secondary liability in Trademark Act of Taiwan. On the other side, multilateral agreements such as Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) and The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) dominated by US and Japan became the latest trend to harmonize internationally online marketplace providers’ duty of care by intending to increase the standard on the enforcement of intellectual property right. Those relevant clauses are also detailed herein. However, as their non-transparent negotiation and being far too supportive of right holders, those multilateral agreements are crucified and suffering from widespread protests. In light of this, this article urges that harmonization in TRIPs context is just the first priority to reconcile issues such as requirement on the duty of reasonable care, notice-and-takedown mechanism, limitations on injunctions and Safe Harbor under trademark field. |
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