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    Title: 歐洲聯盟推動共同反恐政策的發展與挑戰---兼論對台灣的比較與借鏡
    Other Titles: The Counter-Terrorism Policy of the European Union---A Comparative Perspective on Taiwan
    Authors: 張台麟
    Contributors: 歐洲語文學程
    Keywords: 歐洲聯盟;恐怖主義;反恐政策;自由與安全;台灣
    European Union;Terrorism;Counter-terrorism policy;Freedom andSecurity;Taiwan
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2016-02-16 17:43:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 恐怖主義對歐洲而言並不是一個新興的現象。近30 年來,因為恐怖攻擊活動在英 國、愛爾蘭、西班牙等國家已導致近5000 人喪生。早在1999 年10 月的芬蘭坦佩雷 (Tampere)高峰會議中,歐盟會員國領袖根據阿姆斯特丹條約已開始著手加強歐盟的反 恐合作以及其內政司法領域的協調。2000 年6 月的聖塔瑪莉亞達費拉(Santa Maria da Feira)高峰會議後,歐洲議會再次重申打擊恐怖主義以及反恐合作的重要性,並提出『聯 合行動』計畫表示將訂出專業反恐怖主義的技能目錄、設立歐洲司法網絡、創立一個專 門處理刑事犯罪的機構以及提撥對抗恐怖主義的預算等。受到美國911 事件衝擊的影 響,歐盟也決定加強反恐的合作並提升層次。2004 年311 馬德里的恐怖攻擊事件使得歐 盟會員國更深感震驚,隨即歐洲議會也於3 月25 日發表了一份「反恐聲明」,表達歐盟 將採取各種有效手段在歐盟範圍內打擊恐怖活動,強調唯有透過團結和聯合行動才能戰 勝恐怖主義。2005 年11 月30 日,歐盟正式提出了一份「反恐策略」,說明了歐盟反恐 策略的目標與方法。2007 年11 月又提出了最新的反恐「行動計畫」。2008 年7 月15 日, 歐盟部長理事會再度通過「共同立場文件」並發布了最新的反恐名單。同年11 月28 日 更修改2002 年的「反恐架構綱領」之內容,同時也要求各會員國針對恐怖主義的網路 宣傳及訓練等做法予以刑責,顯示出歐盟推動共同打擊恐怖主義的共識與努力。不過, 由於有關司法、自由及安全的範圍仍需尊重會員國的意見與利益,因而歐盟推動共同反 恐政策仍有很長的路要走。 對台灣而言,雖然我國並非恐怖主義活動的目標國家,但不意味我國可有置身事外 的理由。近年來,隨著國際反恐的合作與相關配套措施愈來愈多,政府也日益重視反恐 政策,並在行政院下設「反恐行動政策小組」負責統籌及協調相關事宜。唯隨著我國外 籍移民的增加以及兩岸政策的開放,新的情勢與發展勢必會對我國的政治、經濟、社會 以及國土安全產生重要的衝擊與影響。此外,長久以來,我國在處理國土安全以及反恐 策略上之相關法令規章與制度也有許多不足之處,如何因應未來的發展是一個嚴肅且重 要的課題。本研究之目的希望經由恐怖主義及反恐策略等相關理論之途徑,先就歐洲聯 盟推動共同反恐政策的歷史沿革、發展歷程加以探討,其次進一步探討歐盟在推動反恐 政策上的法制架構以及實施策略與內容,之後將就歐盟推動共同反恐政策的成效加以分 析,最後則試圖評估此項政策與實施經驗的優缺,並進一步與台灣現況比較,期而對我 國未來反恐及國土安全政策提出具體且有前瞻性之建議。
    For the European people, the international terrorism is not just a recent phenomenon. More than five thousands European citizens have died by the terrorist attacks since last 30 years. The European Union have decided to enhence the counter-terrorism co-operation since 1999 during the Tampere Summit.After the 911 crisis of the United-States, in particular, the terrorist attack of March 11 2004 in Madrid, The European Union have made a lot of efforts and different measures in order to fight more consistently and effectively against the terrorism. In November 2005, The EU presented a “Counter-terrorism Strategy” which is the guideline and basic methode of the EU’s counter-terrorism policy. In November 2008, The European Union has adopted a regulation demamding the all member States to sanction with legal basis the terroroist activities through the internet. However, the fact that the cooperation in terme of justice, freedom and security is always a privileged domain of each member state, it would take a long journey for the European Union in order to establish a integrated counter-terrorism policy. For Taiwan, Although the government has payed more and more attention to the counter-terrorism,however, with the open policy on the immigration and the cross strait relations, Taiwan should develop international cooperations and learn from the international experiences in order to strengthen on the one hand Taiwan’s savoir-faire in the counter-terrorism policy,and establish on the other hand its system and legal framework. The purpose of this research project is, firstly, to explore and discuss the history of the European Union’s counter-terrorism cooperation and its legal structure and strategic basis, then to analyze the European Union’s actions and results on the push for the common counter-terrorism policy; thirdly to evaluate on some of the merits and drawbacks of the policy, and to make a comparison to the current situation of Taiwan. Finally, to give a few concrete and insightful advices on the future counter-terrorisme and home-land security policy.
    Relation: 計畫編號 NSC98-2410-H004-036
    Data Type: report
    Appears in Collections:[神經科學研究所] 國科會研究計畫

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