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Title: | 臺灣收費型特展整合行銷策略分析 Analysis of Integrated Marketing Strategy of the Charged Exhibition in Taiwan |
Authors: | 吳雅嫻 |
Contributors: | 李嘉林 吳雅嫻 |
Keywords: | 文化創意產業 特展 策展 收費型特展 特展行銷 整合行銷 Cultural and Creative Industry Special Exhibition Curation the Charged Exhibition Special Exhibition Marketing Integrated Marketing. |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2016-02-15 10:07:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 百家爭鳴的收費型特展市場造成臺灣的策展環境在「成本獲利」與「展覽內容」之間做拉鋸戰,也同時面臨展覽市場培養的問題,這麼多種展覽,這麼多家策展公司,到底本身該如何脫穎而出呢?正因如此,本研究探討與特展整合行銷相關之議題有其價值性與必要性,想要了解臺灣的策展公司如何進行展覽行銷策略規畫及當今臺灣收費型特展消費族群之習慣分析,並藉問券檢視臺灣策展公司之行銷策略成功與可行與否。針對上述的討論重點,擬訂下列問題作為研究時尋找答案的方向:
研究結果顯示,針對研究問題一之建議,策展單位應著重兩大部分,第一部分是「放眼未來,著眼長期性價值」也就是「持續經營品牌知名度」,第二部分是「不斷改變-著眼創新思維」也就是進行「會員的操作」採取知己知彼百戰百勝的概念;針對研究問題二之研究發現策展公司在操作不同內容特展時會採取不同的行銷策略,為了更加了解其操作策略,本研究將展覽細分為五大類型,並分析出相對應的目標客群之輪廓與喜好;針對研究問題三之建議為研究發現,未來的主要宣傳主要發展會以網路媒體為主,而且網路媒體的興起也正代表著精準行銷的興起,建議策展公司的展覽行銷可從兩大方向進行,「網路行銷與口碑操作」與「會員精準行銷」。 Recently, Cultural and Creative Industry has risen since the 2000’s in Taiwan. Due to the government supports and the public social media reports, art special exhibition becomes a new business model in Cultural and Creative Industry. Many marketing/PR companies have evolved to the art exhibition organizers. The art exhibition market is getting extended. The industry is from Blue Sea to theRed Sea.
In this situation, organizers need to know about the preferring types of exhibitions by customers to win in this playfield. However, technology development has changes the way how visitors obtain the information of exhibitions. It also changes the exhibition marketing strategies. Therefore, how organizers to differentiate itself? That isthe most essential question in this thesis.
Following are the questions of this thesis: 1. Facing to thefierce competition of art exhibition industry, how organizers determine theirmarketing status, and find a stable sustained and coordinated development? In this research,three of the biggest exhibition organizers, United Daily News Group, Want-want China Times Media Group of Mediasphere Communicated and Kuang Hong Arts are cases studied companies. This study investigated that organizers need toraise the brand awareness and focus on the membership development.
2. How organizers plan the marketing strategies? How can they succeed in making the marketing plan from different types of exhibitions? This study investigated that organizers use different marketing strategies to different type of exhibitions. In this research distinguishes to 5 types of the exhibitions and analysis the marketing strategy to each type of exhibitions.
3. Dealing with the high-speed changing of technology development and the visitors, how organizers adjust the strategy of marketing?
This study investigated that organizers should focus on the new theme of exhibitions, in addition toextent the brand awareness to other fields, such as an exhibition-theme restaurant, an exhibition-themepark, art works agency and the other exhibition-theme-related events. |
Reference: | 中文文獻 專書 (依作者姓氏筆畫排序) 1.李天任、藍莘譯,《大眾媒體研究》,台北:亞太圖書出版社,1998。
論文 (依作者姓氏筆畫排序) 1.李秀美,〈展覽行銷與參觀者行為研究─以GeGeGe 鬼太郎的妖怪樂園台中場為例〉,逢甲大學經營管理碩士在職專班碩士論文,2013。 2.林宜標,〈媒體與博物館合作特展之整合行銷傳播策略─以羅浮宮埃及文物珍藏展為例〉,國立政治大學商學院經營管理碩士學程非營利事業管理組 EMBA─NPO商學碩士學位論文,2009。 3.張慧菁,〈策展公司經營模式分析〉,國立政治大學商學院經營管理碩士學程文化創意、科技與資通創新組碩士學位論文,2014。 4.鄭惠文,〈博物館特展行銷策略之研究─以蔡國強泡美術館特展為例〉,華梵大學美術與文創學系碩士學位論文,2014。
期刊 (依作者姓氏筆畫排序) 1.林平,《典藏.今藝術》10月號,2012。 2.連俐俐,〈大美術館時代〉《臺北:典藏藝術家庭》,2008。 3.陳春蘭,〈初探博物館特展行銷策略─以「驚豔米勒─田園之美」畫展為例〉,《國立虎尾科技大學學報》第29卷第4期,2010年12月。
其他資料 (依標題名稱筆畫排序) 1.〈2013年臺灣文創發展年報〉,行政院文化部,2013。 2.〈國立故宮博物院101年推動性別主流化成果報告〉,行政院性別平等會,2012。
網路資料 (依標題名稱筆畫排序) 1.【PIXNET網路關鍵報告】老夫子決戰熊大!百萬卡通人物特展誰最夯?:http://www.gvm.com.tw/webonly_content_2163_1.html,(最後瀏覽日期:2015/11/28)。 2.「行銷理論的演變:4P、4C、4R」,《夏嚇叫的Crazy Talk》:http://china123.pixnet.net/blog/post/91145328-行銷理論的演變%3A4p、4c、4r,(最後瀏覽日期:2015/11/13)。 3.「掌握4關鍵打造異業合作經濟效益」,溫慕垚垚: http://money.chinatimes.com/news/news-content.aspx?id=20130920000132&cid=1210,(最後瀏覽日期:2015/11/13)。
外文文獻 專書 (依作者字首字母排序) 1.Gareth R. Jones, Charles W.L. Hill, Theory of Strategic Management, 10th ed., 2012. 2.Liz Hill, Catherine O’Sullivan, Terry O’Sullivan, Creative Arts Marketing, 2nd ed., 2004. 3.Philip Kotler, Armstrong, Principles of Marketing, 10th ed. 4.Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller, Marketing Management, 13th ed. |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 103363048 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103363048 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文
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