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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/81244

    Title: 商業智慧系統之實作於區域治理創新的應用─以宜蘭縣政府為例
    The Development of Business Intelligence System for Regional Governance – A Case Study of Yi-Lan County
    Authors: 許乃嘉
    Hsu, Nai Chia
    Contributors: 廖文宏
    Liao, Wen Hung
    Hsu, Nai Chia
    Keywords: 探索式資料分析
    exploratory data analysis
    business intelligence
    regional intellectual capital
    regional competitiveness analysis
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-02-03 12:25:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在有限的資源之下,各區域地方政府相當渴望跳脫僵化與官僚的決策模式,尋求創新有效率的治理機制,另一方面開放政府資料已為國際化的趨勢,台灣於開放資料領域耕耘成果亦相當豐碩。本研究希望建置商業智慧平台,將開放資料轉換為無形的「智慧資本」,持續驅動創新有效率的「治理機制」,進而改善在地人民的生活品質。
    Facing the challenges of limited resources and budget constraints, regional governments have been actively pursuing strategies to transform conventional bureaucratic decision-making model into innovative and efficient governance mechanism. At the same time, “open government data” is becoming a political commitment for many countries and Taiwanese government has made significant advances in this respect recently. To leverage the trend for open public data, this thesis aims to develop a web-based business intelligence system to support efficient governance through in-depth analysis of intellectual capital.
    The tools provided in this system include data envelopment analysis (DEA), competitor identification, and exploratory data analysis. The system is designed to allow average users to experiment with different parameter settings and view the results interactively. Insights on competing counties and regional characteristics, relative governance efficiency and leading industry can be gained with ease. We illustrate the functionalities of the system using data from Yi-Lan County and investigate its competitiveness in three areas, namely, culture and creative industry, tourism, and environmental industry.
    AngularJS, a front-end framework, is utilized to implement the proposed business intelligence system. The objective is to provide a one stop shopping service for interactive data analysis and visualization with user friendly design and good extensibility.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102971002
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