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    Title: 創新實務作法對於公共工程專案績效之影響評估:以專案類型為干擾變數
    Influence of Innovation Practice on Construction Project Performance in the Public Sector:Project Type as a Moderator
    Authors: 張雅婷
    Chang, Ya Ting
    Contributors: 詹中原
    Chang,Ya Ting
    Keywords: 創新
    innovation management
    public construction project
    project management
    performance management
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-02-03 12:21:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 公共工程為國家建設的基礎,其攸關人民生活品質並影響國家經濟發展。當今政府公共工程建設多以委外方式進行,然而對於公共工程績效之影響因素進行研究,將有助提供政府機關在招標時評選廠商之參考,以及在公共工程專案進行時,作為與專案經理溝通協調之依循。
    Public construction projects are associated with the infrastructure of a nation. Developing public construction projects is also important for the economic development of a nation. Recently, most of public construction projects are outsourced. Research on factors influencing the success of public construction projects can assist government with selecting suitable partners and communicating with project managers.
    Most of the previous work has focused on project control problems, assuming that the better methods or techniques would lead to better management and thus the successful performance of projects. However, there are many factors outside the control of management which may lead to the success of a project. Innovation may be one of the major causes of public construction project success. However, many construction organizations ignore innovation leading to a poor public construction project performance. Thus, there is a need for exploration of the benefits of innovation on public construction project performance.
    Accordingly, the primary objective of this research was to investigate the effect of innovation practices (including management and service innovation, construction method innovation, facilities function innovation, and environmental protection and sustainability innovation) public construction project performance in terms of safety performance, quality performance, schedule performance, cost performance, and owner satisfaction. The second objective was to determine whether innovation practice on public construction project performance was moderated by project type (i.e., building, infrastructure, and industrial projects).
    The data were collected from September to November 2015. A total of 168 valid questionnaires were analyzed. Each questionnaire is representative of a public construction project. In addition, case studies were used to assess the relationships between innovation practice and public construction project performance. Accounts of two similar projects, one successful and one not, were used to investigate the associations. The results suggest that adoption of innovation practice has a positive effect on public construction project performance. The results also show that project type has a moderating effect on the relationship between adoption of innovation practice and public construction project performance. In other words, the relationship between adoption of innovation practice and public construction project performance depends on project type. This indicates that the association between adoption of innovation practice and quality performance is more strongly evident for industrial and building projects. Finally, the paper proposes directions for future research and recommendation for policy development according to the findings.
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