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    Title: 地方政府資訊透明化研究—以我國六都地方政府網站為例
    Information Transparency of Local Government: The case of Websites of Six Municipal Governments
    Authors: 葉蒨
    Yeh, Chien
    Contributors: 黃東益
    Huang, Tong Yi
    Yeh, Chien
    Keywords: 地方政府資訊透明化
    information transparency of local government
    websites of local government
    content analysis
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-02-03 12:17:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 政府透明化為人民「知的權利」之一,不僅賦予民眾課責與監督政府的能力,更能維護民主制度中雙方之信任價值,而近年網際網路等電子技術日漸普及,關於政府透明化的環節亦可透過電子化的途徑開誠布公。過去我國政府透明化相關研究多以中央政府為研究對象,本研究則從我國地方政府著手,研究目的在於期藉由透明化政府相關理論與文獻,瞭解政府透明化之意涵及其重要性、地方政府資訊透明化包含哪些核心構面、與電子治理之連結性等,運用文獻分析法回顧相關資料後,接著建構評估我國地方政府資訊透明化程度之指標。近年又適逢地方政府改制,本研究於是選擇改制後的六都臺北市、新北市、桃園市、臺中市、臺南市、高雄市為研究對象,以內容分析法的方式,運用建構的指標對此六都地方政府網站加以評估,觀察其透明化程度與可再改善之處。
    Government transparency not only provides the people with the ability to hold government accountable, but also serves to sustain trust in the government within a democratic system. Recently, the increasing popularity of information and communication technologies, have made the Internet an important link in the enforcement of government transparency.
    Previous studies on government transparency have mostly been concentrated on central governments. This research chooses instead to focus on local governments. This research aims to uncover the importance and the concepts of government transparency, the the fundamental dimensions of local government information transparency assessment framework, and the connection between government transparency and E-governance, from previous studies. After reviewing and integrating the literature, this study then constructs a framework for the assessment of Taiwan’s local government information transparency. Taiwan has recently undergone an extensive local government restructuring, thus this research has made the six special municipalities, which were most restructured, the objects of analysis. The special municipalities include, Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taoyuan City, Taichung City, Tainan City, and Kaohsiung City. The research utilizes content analysis methods and the indicator framework constructed, to assess the websites of the six municipal governments. Observations, on the level of transparency and on areas in need of improvement, were made.
    In short, the assessment framework of local government information transparency includes two aspects. The first is on basic information transparency with 10 indicators. The other is on fiscal information transparency with 33 indicators. It is important to note that since Taoyuan City had not been restructured into a special municipality by 2014, but data for financial transparency includes those for that year, this research would not include Taoyuan in the financial transparency assessments.
    In sum, the study finds that the transparency of six municipal government websites, is decent. However, there are some indicators can be improved. The study concludes that the governments should provide more complete information to the public, in order to satisfy the public’s demand for government data. These approaches will increase citizen’s rights in obtaining government related information. This research also suggests that the connection between government information transparency and open government data is a subject worthy of further study.
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