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Title: | 低面額股與無面額股問題之研究 The Study on Nominal Par Value and No Par Value Stock |
Authors: | 劉怡君 Liu, Yi Chun |
Contributors: | 劉連煜 劉怡君 Liu, Yi Chun |
Keywords: | 面額股 無面額股 資本三原則 法定資本制 |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2016-02-03 12:15:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 金管會於2013年12月23日公布修正「公開發行股票公司股務處理準則」第14條,將原「股票每股金額均為新臺幣壹拾元」之規定,修正為「公司發行之股份,每股金額應歸一律」。亦即取消有關固定最低面額之限制,雖仍有面額制度,但不再限為10元,可以是5元、1元或者其他面額,公司得依自身需求自行決定股票發行面額,此亦被稱為「彈性面額股票制度」。事實上,於2012年,為吸引外國企業來台上市(櫃)及登錄興櫃,主管機關已豁免外國企業毋須遵守面額10元的強制規定,且允許發行無面額股。此外,尚有公司法甫修正通過之閉鎖性股份有限公司專節,允許該閉鎖性公司得自行決定發行面額股或無面額股。 無論是國內公司取消最低面額10元之規定、允許外國企業來台上市櫃可發行面額股與無面額股,或者公司法新增訂之專節,皆顯示低面額股與無面額股逐漸受到關注,並且可能推動下一波之改革。是故,本文重新檢視我國近來傳統資本制度之變遷,並且探討此變遷是否與低面額股與引進無面額股之制度互相影響,進而討論面額股與無面額股之利弊。此外,參酌國外之立法例及面額之發展,以資我國日後相關修法之參考。 The concept of par value has always been accepted as one of the cornerstones of our company law. The mainly functions of the concept of par value were to help assure equality and fairness among shareholders in a new corporation, and to protect the creditors of a company. However, there were some criticisms and shortcomings, which have prompted many law commissions to abolish it. In Taiwan, according to the Regulations Governing the Administration of Shareholder Services of Public Companies, the par value of stock should be 10 New Taiwan Dollars. In other words, the public company’ shares should have a fixed par value of 10 New Taiwan Dollars. But on December 23, 2013, The Financial Supervisory Commission announced that this fixed par value of 10 NT Dollars would be abolished and the public company was allowed to adopt the “flexible par value”. Therefore, this study re-examined the corporate capital regime, and focused on the experience of implementing a non-par value stock or nominal par value stock in Japan, the United States, Germany and Hong Kong. The purpose of the study was to provide a reference for amendments on the company law of Taiwan. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律學系 100651035 |
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