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Title: | 資訊治理觀點下資訊策略定位與業務校準之研究 The relation between IT strategy and Business Performance to IT Governance theories |
Authors: | 邱耀漢 |
Contributors: | 季延平 Chi, Yen Ping 邱耀漢 |
Keywords: | 資訊治理 資訊策略 組織發展 政府之衡量 IT governance IT organization Organizational Development Measurement of government |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-02-03 12:04:15 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 長久以來,組織於資訊運用上面臨技術影響層面廣、科技變化快速、內部環境如蜘蛛網般複雜及定位不清等多重挑戰。如此常導致資訊技術難與組織運作密切結合,其結果輕者浪費時間與金錢,重者則喪失資訊系統發展之價值,組織亦將失去獲取競爭優勢之機會,近年來對「資訊治理」的研究大興,帶給我們新的機會與挑戰。
本研究獲得以下四點結論:1.建構公部門資訊治理評估模式2.公部門角色定位差異3.資訊治理應考量策略目標、定位與業務需求之差異4.探索資訊治理發展途徑。 Organizations have confronted multiple challenges in the use of IT for a long time. For example, IT affects whole hierarchy, technology evolves very quickly, and organizations are usually very complex. Organization operations usually have little to do with the improved information technology. The end result can be wasting money and time or can be even worse losing the value of building IT systems, and organizations will lose their competitiveness via the improvements of information technology. A recent surge of research on IT governance provides us new opportunities and challenges.
The main purpose of this study is to propose IT governance evaluation model for public sectors and investigate the IT governance abilities of public sectors of the nation. We use anonymous survey to collect related information and then use Expert Choice 2000 software package to analyze the data. In particular, the descriptive statistics and the credibility of internal consistency were calculated.
The results of this research are summarized as follows. First, we propose public sector’s IT governance evaluation model. Second, we suggest the process of IT governance development. Third, we find the role played by government has changed. Finally, it is required to consider the differences among department’s strategies, strategic goal and requirement when implementing IT governance. |
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