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    Title: 移動女性的情感經驗: 空服員使用社群媒體維繫親密關係之研究
    Liquid Self, Solid Bonds: How Flight Attendants Use Social Media to Maintain Intimate Relationships
    Authors: 柯幸宜
    Contributors: 康庭瑜
    Keywords: 女性空服員
    female flight attendants
    social media
    intimate relationship representation
    relationship maintenance
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-02-03 11:21:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 空服員的工作常讓人有許多想像,高薪、環遊世界等誘因,每年都吸引許多年輕人報考,其中又以女性比例居多。回顧過去許多研究指出,空服員是一份被視為高度情緒勞動的工作,但在高壓、往返異地時差、距離等考驗下,空服員如何靠現今繁盛的社群媒體功能維繫其親密關係,社群媒體又是如何鑲嵌在空服員的工作之中,是本研究欲探討的問題。
    Flight attendants have long received numerous interest from the media or academics, which especially an attractive occupation for female younger generation. In this thesis, researcher tried to see how people work in airline industry engaged in emotional labour and aesthetic labour jobs manage their intimate lives using social media. Dealing with following research questions: of what functions of social media are selected by female flight attendants to contact their intimate partners, and what is the rationale underlying these uses, thirdly to what extent and in what ways are the use and the underlying rationale linked to the nature of their occupation?
    Based on the theory of emotional labour, aesthetic labour, also arranged past academic research of flight attendants, plus ICTs use and intimate relationship, in this research, totally I interviewed 15 female, unmarried flight attendants with all in a heterosexual relationship in in-depth interview way.
    The results showed that the concept of Madianou’s polymedia explains the ways in which flight attendants switch among different media in a flexible way. Furthermore, flight attendants have some anxiety and melancholy caused by their fragmented temporal and spatial experiences, which exacerbates their dependence on social media. Moreover, the findings demonstrate various ways in which flight attendants represent their lives on social media to their partners and to wider audiences when they are apart.
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