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    Title: 產品多樣性、人力資本及公司績效:理論與實證
    Product Diversity, Human Capital of Board and Block Shareholders, and Firm Performance: Theory and Evidence
    Authors: 莊千慧
    Chuang, Chien Hui
    Contributors: 吳安妮
    Wu, Anne
    Chuang, Chien Hui
    Keywords: 產品多樣性
    Product Diversity
    Human Capital
    Board’s Experience
    Block Shareholders’ Experience
    Firm Performance
    Moderating Effect
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2016-02-03 11:16:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 多樣性策略一直以來備受討論,因為多樣性為公司建立競爭優勢之主要策略。然而,過去相關的實證研究在測試多樣性對公司績效之影響上並沒有得到一致的結果,本論文主要目的在於延伸過去的理論架構及實證研究,在一個新興市場的設定之下,產品多樣性對公司績效之影響。對於新興市場中的公司而言,產品多樣性為相對容易推行的多樣性策略,因此本論文主要討論產品多樣性在新興市場中的影響。文中更進一步地討論什麼樣的調節效果存在於產品多樣性與績效之關係間,如何幫助公司減少因為推行產品多樣性而產生的大量成本。策略的形成是一項複雜且仰賴專業知識的決策,因此決策者的人力資本將會是決策的關鍵。過去已有很多文獻討論經理人的人力資本,然而,高階經理人在策略的決策中往往會受到認知的限制,因此傾向於對外尋求幫助與資源,董事會與大股東就是扮演此一角色。本研究將討論在產品多樣性與公司績效兩者關係中董事會與大股東的人力資本之調節效果。
    Diversification has been discussed for a long time. Diversification is a popular strategy for firms to build competitive advantage. However, the empirical results on the relationship between diversification and firm performance are conflict. The purpose of this dissertation is extending the prior theoretical framework and empirical studies to establish a research framework for the influence of diversity on firm performance under an emerging market. In emerging markets, firms implement product diversification easier than other types of diversification. This dissertation focuses on the influence of product diversity on firm performance in emerging markets. Moreover, this study also investigates what moderators affect firms’ ability to reap the benefits while decreasing the cost from complicity and risk of product diversity. Product diversification is one of strategic decisions for firms. The formulation of strategies and decision making is complex and relies on knowledge structure in firms. Thus, human capital of decision makers would be a key factor in the relationship between product diversity and firm performance. The human capital of top managers has been discussed a lot in literature. Top managers have cognitive limitations on strategic decision, so they would like to search advice and information for others. Board of directors and block shareholders play important roles in strategic decision. Therefore, this study discusses the role of human capital of board and block shareholders in the relationship between product diversity and firm performance.
    This study uses electronic industry in Taiwan as research samples and empirically tests the research hypotheses. The results provide a more comprehensive view of product diversity and firm performance among an emerging market.
    The empirical results support the argument that product diversity is not always positively related to firm performance. Because of the imperfections in capital, products, and managerial talent, the costs of product diversity is higher than benefits in emerging markets. In addition, firms’ human capital is helpful for firms to overcome the uncertainty and risk of product diversity. Board’s industry experience and top management experience bring a short term benefit on firm performance under high product diversity. On the other hand, block shareholders’ industry experience brings benefit on firm performance under high product diversity after a long period.
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