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Title: | 儒鴻紡織轉型策略之研究 Research on the Enterprise Transformation Strategies of Eclat Textile Company |
Authors: | 葉洵揚 |
Contributors: | 吳思華 溫肇東 葉洵揚 |
Keywords: | 紡織業 企業轉型 成功關鍵因素 策略 競爭優勢 策略規劃 |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2016-01-04 16:57:20 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣紡織業的源起可追溯至1945年台灣積極進行產業轉型的時代,當時,紡織業即撐起產業旗艦的角色,帶領台灣由農業轉型為輕工業,並為台灣創造了經濟上的奇蹟。2012年整體紡織業總產值達4520億元,較2011年負成長8.6%;2013年大致維持與2012相同的水準,較2012年負成長0.3%。產業鏈的不同子產業(人造纖維業、紡織業、成衣與服飾業)受到不同幅度的衰退與停滯,若以紡織產業家數與創造的就業機會來看,也發現在這兩項關鍵指標上都呈現衰退的趨勢。因使,不管由創匯、產值、廠商家數與就業人口來看,台灣紡織業面臨到迫切的壓力,必須積極的思考企業轉型之道。 然而,企業轉型不可以毫無章法,更何況企業轉型往往來自內、外部的壓力,牽一髮而動全身,必須透過縝密且系統性的分析過程來進行商業模式的校正以及轉型路徑的篩選; 因此本研究將以吳思華(2000)所出版的策略九說之動態策略規劃為基礎,並以紡織業股王儒鴻紡織為個案研究的對象,針對策略規劃如何主導中小企業轉型創新進行深入探討。 研究結果發現轉型創新的路徑思維必須從「零和戰爭」到「價值共創」;另外,轉型創新,組織必須放下過去的商業模式、競爭優勢來源。因此打造學習型組織為轉型創新的關鍵;打造學習型組織,領導人是關鍵;最後在整個研究過程中也顯示了,轉型創新必須有系統性的分析與執行過程;適當的功能性政策,組織文化、結構的校正,是凸顯組織競爭優勢的關鍵。 The history of the textile industry in Taiwan could date back to 1945. Textile industry was a bellwether in those days. It not only made significant contributions to the success of industrial transformation, but also led Taiwanese economic conditions shifted from agriculture to light industry. This is “Taiwanese economic miracle”. The total production output of the textile industry in Taiwan in 2012 was 452 billion TWD. It was 8.6% percent lower than the number in 2011, and basically the same as the number in 2013. At about the same time, various degrees of recessions appeared in many sub-industries such as man-made fiber industry, textiles mills industry, wearing apparel, and clothing accessories manufacturing industry. Two key indicators, the number of firms in an industry as well as the number of jobs created in an industry, also decreased. Every indication showed the textile industry in Taiwan faced a great struggle. A new idea for survival and business transformation might be a great opportunity for Taiwanese textile industry. Business transformation can be very challenging and risky. Pressures from inside and outside might lead to business transformation. A small mistake might lead to chain reaction. Improving business model and choosing detailed and organized business transformation plan, thus, are the key lessons for an organization. Based on the concept framework in Wu’s (2000) book, the thesis analyzed Eclat Textile Company, the most valuable textile company in Taiwan, to discover how strategic planning lead to a business transformation in small and medium-sized enterprises The path of innovation and transformation should be think from zero-sum game to value co-production, which was found in the research. Instead of retaining business model and competitive advantages, organizations might need to create learning organization. The leader of the organization, thus, plays an essential role in the learning organization. Also, strategical analysis, practice, and operation compose innovation and transformation. Making suitable and functional policies, modifying organization cultures, as well as adjusting organization structure, in addition, are the key factors in business transformation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 102364129 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102364129 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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