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    Title: 空間裡的正義:從利害關係人觀點探討公廁空間之多元使用問題
    Spatial Justice: the Problems of Various Uses in the Public Restrooms from the Stakeholders Perspective
    Authors: 謝雅惠
    Hsieh, Ya Hui
    Contributors: 陳敦源
    Chen, Don Yun
    Hsieh, Ya Hui
    Keywords: 性別平等
    gender equality
    policy stakeholders
    public restrooms
    unisex restrooms
    multi-use toilets
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2016-01-04 16:53:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   全球化所帶來的觀念浪潮所提倡的性別政策綱領,是影響我國在性別態度上有逐漸友善和平等的關鍵因素,而公共廁所成為突顯性別政策的關鍵議題,隨著近年來不同參與者的提倡之下,廁所類型也逐漸走向多元性別的空間設計,只是現實生活中仍相當少見。
    The international trend of gender equality has impacted on Taiwanese government to carry out more gender-friendly policies, including the public restrooms. However, with the needs from different stakeholders (administrators, designers, and advocators), not only gender activists, the call for multi-use public restrooms is gradually appearing on the public agenda, though the multi-use public restroom is still very rare in our everyday life.
    Therefore, in this research, stakeholder theory is applied to examine the voices and interest of different advocators for public restrooms design, whether it is unisex restrooms or multi-use toilets. The research questions include: What is the difference between stakeholders to recognize the public restroom design problem? How do they considering the problem of space limitation using public restrooms? Lastly, why do they participate or not in public restrooms policy? Concerning the method, only in-depth interviews is used in this research to answer the research questions.
    The result is as follows: first, advocators and designers tend to influence administrators on the issue of how to share the public restrooms. Nevertheless, within the advocators’ groups, the abilities to participate are extremely different. During the process of reinventing the public restrooms, the administrators will carefully listen to the need advocates from different stakeholders, but still the core problems to solve are resource scarcity as well as other administrative considerations within government. Concerning facing the pressure from multiple demands, administrators will establish a series of participatory processes, including the civic meeting, committee meeting, and the public hearing to collect the demands of the various users. As for designers, they usually serve as the professional consultant as well as contractors to give the opinions of designs. In conclusion, although the public space is limited, it is a difficult job to satisfy unlimited needs. However, the process of conflict resolutions should be activated in order to solve public issues, and it is the base of good governance in a pluralist society.
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