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    Title: 土地制度轉變下的挑戰: 東莞臺商製造業的因應之道
    The response of Taiwanese manufactures in Dongguan to the transition of land right regime
    Authors: 葛仲寧
    Ko, Chung Ning
    Contributors: 林子欽
    Lin, Tzu Chin
    Ko, Chung Ning
    Keywords: 東莞
    collective-owned land
    Taiwanese manufacture
    land use right
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-12-02 17:01:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 雖著國內生產成本提高,1980年代起許多臺商製造業者紛紛前往中國投資設廠。然而製造業設廠必須使用土地,且由於土地的特性,使得業者在前往中國投資時,必須在當地取得土地,方能建廠進行生產。然而在中國的土地公有制度下,將可能使業者於經營過程中遭遇土地方面的問題。
    In 1980’s, the rise of production costs prompted Taiwanese enterprises to move to China, most of them are manufacture. The investment of manufacturing firms have to use land to build factories, and they can only acquire land at local, rather than bring it from Taiwan.
    However, because of land right institution in China was not set up completely when the “open door policy” began, foreign manufacturers could face some problems related to land under public ownership in years that followed. Especially for Taiwanese manufacturing investment, that are mostly small- or medium-sized independent manufacturing firms and cooperate with other firms, to form a production chain.
    In this research, we discuss the influences of transition of land right institution from manufactures’ view, through the interviews with a number of Taiwanese manufacturing firms in China.
    Most of the interviewees were Taiwanese manufacturing firms in Dongguan, Guangdong. It is a city that Taiwanese firms tended to cluster in the early years. With development for over 20 years, each township in Dongguan enjoys a high degree of autonomy on leading the direction of development. However, most of land in Dongguan are collective-owned, and a lot of profit would be involved during the transition of land right institution or ownership. Even so, there are still plenty of Taiwanese firms investing in Dongguan up to the present day.
    We conclude that the special land ownership institution in China and swiftly transformed environment are responsible for the changing operation strategies. Both characters of “state-owned” and “planning permission” are embedded in Chinese land institution, and the rights of ownership and development are tightly controlled and can only be granted by government. In consequence, land use right has become an important concern over investment. Moreover, a firm already granted with land use right tends to be much active, or seek help from “Taiwanese business association”, to solve the problems it has faced during operation.
    Reference: 中文參考文獻

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