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Title: | 集團企業併購策略之研究–以某通訊集團為例 A Case Study on Communication Enterprise Group M&A Strategies |
Authors: | 洪聰進 Hung, Tsung Chin |
Contributors: | 季延平 Chi, Yan Ping 洪聰進 Hung, Tsung Chin |
Keywords: | 企業併購 merger& acquisition |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-12-02 16:08:54 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 併購已經成為企業長期發展壯大的最重要途徑。企業從事併購是為了構築、強化和拓展核心能力,而核心能力是企業在瞬息萬變的市場環境中能以明顯的競爭優勢持續經營的保證。
本文共分四部分:第一部分介紹本文研究的背景和目的;第二部分透過國內外大量豐富的文獻了解企業併購的意義,包括企業併購的含義及其動因,以及併購成功與失敗的原因;第三部分介紹研究方法;第四部分介紹兩個併購案例,一個成功一個失敗,分析了導致企業併購成功與失敗的原因;並提出了防止企業併購失敗的對策。充分瞭解導致併購成功與失敗的原因及有針對性的採取措施去防止併購的失敗,對每一個有此意向的企業都是至關重要的。 M&A has become one of the most important strategy for enterprise longtime development. By restructuring resource and competence of two enterprises, the core competence will be cultivated and intensified. At the premise of longtime management of enterprise, the purpose of M&A is to construct, intensify and extent core competence.
This study gives a complete look back on the successful and failed merger cases of a communication technology company. If the company has chosen the right direction, it can gain a larger repayment by smaller input, also, it can achieve a continuous and rapid development. The advantage of case company is the operation and combination of capital, the disadvantage is that case company has never set foot on that industry and geographic area before.
The paper consists of four parts: the first part is to introduce the background, purpose of this paper; the second, through sufficient literature review to expose the current situation of merger and acquisition, including its meanings, causes and factors of success and failure; the third, research method used; the fourth: introduce two cases, one for successful another for failure. We analyze the causes of success and failure and provide the suggestions against the failure. It is very important to learn the causes of failure fully and take effective measures against the failure. "第一章 研究緒論................................................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機..................................................1
第二節 研究方向與目的..................................................3
第三節 預期貢獻..............................................................4
第四節 論文架構............................,.................................5
第五節 研究限制..............................................................5
第二章 文獻探討.................................................................................7
第一節 企業併購類型與觀念之探討..............................7
第二節 企業併購理論之探討........................................19
第三節 企業併購綜效之探討........................................21
第四節 企業併購成本與風險之探討............................57
第三章 研究架構與方法..................................................................69
第一節 研究架構............................................................69
第二節 研究方法............................................................71
第一節 個案公司營運現況說明....................................76
第二節 個案公司併購案例之說明................................80
第三節 個案公司併購成敗案例之分析........................98
第五章 結論與建議.........................................................................111
第一節 結論..................................................................111
第二節 建議..................................................................113
參考文獻...........................................................................................115 |
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