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    Title: 現身與隱藏:初探女同志的臉書使用策略研究
    Coming Out or Not : The Analysis of Lesbians’ Practices and Strategies on Facebook.
    Authors: 蔡佩諭
    Tsai, Pei Yu
    Contributors: 方念萱
    Fang, Nien Hsuan
    Tsai, Pei Yu
    Keywords: 臉書
    everyday life
    come out
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-12-02 16:06:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 同志身分常常是許多同志鎖在衣櫃裡的另一面貌,同志污名標籤令同志在日常生活中,必須管理有關同志身分的身分訊息,以免他人以偏見看待。然而衣櫃卻也有著男櫃與女櫃的差別,女同志在社會中承受的污名處境與男同志並不相同,所擁有的資源與權力也不一樣。相較男同志,女同志有著女性與同志的雙重弱勢身分。
    研究採用質化研究取向,使用深度訪談法,並蒐集紀錄同志的臉書使用文本,交互分析論證。以日常生活理論中Lefebvre的節慶狂歡概念與de Certeau弱者的力量,闡述臉書女同志使用者,如何透過戰術創造機會,並對結構展現出自身的能動性。
    Because of the homosexual stigma, LGBT have to hide their sexual orientation to keep away from discrimination. Lesbians and gays face different social stigmas and the power and social resources they enjoy are not the same. Lesbians, as women and homosexuals at the same time, are more disadvantaged than gays in the society.
    There are more and more people who empower themselves through Facebook. The empowerment movements on Facebook include reversing the stigma and combating against the discrimination. Lesbians use Facebook as a tool to reverse the stigma against them and they could decide whether to reveal their social identities on Facebook. Thus, Facebook has changed lesbians’ daily interaction with others.
    Based on the theories about ‘everyday life’ suggested by Lefebvre and
    de Certeau, this study will explain how lesbians use Facebook to overcome limitations in their daily lives.
    The findings suggest that, rather than breaking the social norms, lesbians establish a ‘Friend List’ on Facebook to categorize their friends. By using this strategy, lesbians try to undermine the heterosexual hegemony which governs their lives. The tatics that applied by lesbians while using Facebook are not only influenced by the features of Facebook, but also affected by the social and cultural context and power relations.
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