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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 金融學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/79195
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    Title: 台灣銀行業國際化與風險之關係探討
    Risk of Internationalization on Taiwanese Banking Industry
    Authors: 鄭宇淳
    Cheng, Yu Chun
    Contributors: 李桐豪
    Lee, Tung Hao
    Cheng, Yu Chun
    Keywords: 台灣
    Commercial Bank
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-11-02 14:47:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著全球金融市場的開放,多數金融機構開始向海外擴展業務,追求更高利潤並且取得市場領先的地位。在台灣,銀行業者由於市場規模小、競爭激烈加上存、放款利差逐漸縮小的情況下,許多銀行開始往亞洲其他國家擴展,尤其是中國市場與東南亞市場。許多研究顯示,銀行國際化程度與風險呈現正相關,顯示在銀行向海外布局同時將使其風險增加。台灣過去文獻多在研究銀行業國際化程度與經營績效的關係,對於國際化程度與風險的影響較少著墨,本文使用台灣商業銀行之資料,進一步研究兩者之關聯。本研究實證顯示,整體而言,台灣銀行業可透過海外布局達到降低風險的效果,但進一步發現,台灣商業銀行資產規模大小將會造成國際化與風險的關係有所不同。大型商業銀行,雖然整體風險較小,但當國際化程度越高時,將使得風險提高;反之,小型商業銀行,整體風險較大,但可透過海外布局使其風險下降。
    Global banking system has changed dramatically in the last several decades which make banks encounter difficulties and discover opportunities while developing their business. In this increasingly saturated environment, existing banks start to find a way to expand their territories overseas to set up higher entry barriers. Especially in Taiwan, because of excessive banks, small economic scale and overlap financial services, the financial industry is more competitive than in other markets resulting the interest rate spread becomes more and more narrow. Most of research find a positive relation between internationalization and bank risk. However, this paper employs the data of commercial banks in Taiwan, the result suggests that internationalization of a bank is associated with lower risk for overall banks. Additionally, we find that the bank size has different impacts on the relationship between internationalization and risk. Large bank tend to have the lower average risk but to increase the bank risk when go abroad. On the other hand, small banks have a diversification effect on internationalization but the overall risk is larger and the operation is not as efficient as large banks.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102352007
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[金融學系] 學位論文

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