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    Title: 風險遽增下建設公司多角化策略之研究 -以A公司為例
    A Case Study of the Multidimensional Strategies of a Construction Corporation under Increasing Potential Risks
    Authors: 許耀堂
    Contributors: 季延平
    Keywords: 企業多角化
    Multidimensional Strategies of a Corporation
    Multidimensional Risk Management
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-10-01 15:19:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 對於每個公司來講,企業成長為首要考慮的問題,應建立在核心業務基礎上,以多角化方式成長能提高企業綜合能力,穩固財務基礎。在中短期內向非核心業務的成長可以透過利用核心能力及發揮協同效益來完成,然而進行產業多角化擴張的企業必須認識到其業務性質與風險。企業需要有業務組合的策略選擇-而不僅僅在一兩個業務下賭注。最重要的是,不要將決策建立在偶然性冒險或直覺判斷的基礎上。必須嚴格衡量分析現有業務組合和新業務機會,並且對它們實施積極主動的管理和控制。
    For an individual firm, it is primarily considered that the business steady growth should be built upon the basis of the core business, in which the strategies of the multidimensional, or diversified, development are adopted to promote the integrated business capacities and provide a solid foundation for the financial income. In a short-and medium-term, the growth of the non-core business can be achieved through the prominent competence of the mother company and the concomitance of the synergy values. However, it should be noticed that as a firm is desired to expand the business diversification, it should realize its related business nature and hidden risks. In other words, an enterprise requires a composition of varied strategies choices, i.e. not betting investment on only one or two new directions, and most importantly, the decision-making for new business opportunities is not based on an occasional venture or an intuitive judgement. Thus, it is needed to conduct an analysis reviewing the combination of current business types, in attempt to reach the aims of implementing active and effective management and control.
    In order to draw on the findings of the comprehensive analysis and propose the ensuing suggestions, there are three steps to be followed. To start with, the state of operation of the case company is elucidated. Then, the overall performance and the financial report in relation to the multidimensional strategies of the case company are investigated. Finally, the options of the multidimensional strategies of the case company are analyzed.
    The case company branched out into five business divisions: architecture, building and construction engineering, education, gasoline station, and land and commercial building rental, all of which were in a good shape and flourishing. Given that running a company with several divisions was inevitably taking risks, each division certainly encountered the acid test from the current market and the competitive environment. Therefore, the adoption of the multidimensional strategies should be not only taken into account of the present changes of the external circumstances, but should be also investigated with the existing internal resources, to secure the ultimate goal of business sustainable development.
    In this study, the literature review to the multidimensional strategies was first examined, in which the state of operation of the case company, various industrial structures associated with the case company, and the existing internal resources of the multidimensional operations of the case company were elaborately analyzed to find out the crucial factors, which offered the case company with appropriate strategies to reach the objectives of the operational growth.
    "摘要 1
    致謝詞 4
    目錄 6
    圖目錄 10
    表目錄 11
    第一章 研究緒論 12
    第一節 背景與動機 12
    第二節 方向與目的 15
    第三節 預期貢獻 15
    第四節 論文架構 16
    第五節 研究限制 17
    第二章 文獻探討 18
    第一節 企業多角化的基本理念之探討 18
    一、多角化的涵義 18
    二、多角化的分類 20
    三、多角化的動因 23
    四、多角化的績效 26
    五、多角化業務選擇的相關理論 31
    六、多角化的理論成效與實務因境 36
    七、多角化實施過程中的若干問題 39
    第二節 破壞性多角化的基本理念之探討 43
    一、基於破壞性創新的多角化策略的能力轉化分析 43
    二、破壞型多角化策略綜效模型分析 46
    三、破壞型多角化策略的風險與防範 55
    四、破壞型多角化策略的實施步驟 62
    第三節 多角化風險管理之探討 66
    一、多角化經營以降低經營風險 69
    二、多角化決策風險 73
    三、規避企業多角化經營策略決策風險的原則 80
    四、企業多角化的實施風險 82
    五、企業多角化經營風險的管理 90
    六、多角化風險規避原則及控制措施 98
    第四節 建築業多角化之探討 99
    一、建築企業多角化 99
    二、中國萬科與金田兩家房地產企業發展多角化策略的思考 108
    三、金田多角化發展策略分析 116
    四、萬科與金田多角化策略的比較分析 120
    第三章 研究架構與方法 123
    第一節 研究架構 123
    一、自變項-風險面之探討 124
    二、應變項-多角化策略之探討 124
    第二節 研究方法 125
    一、研究方式、對象與資料搜集分析 125
    二、研究工具 128
    第四章 個案分析 131
    第一節 個案公司營運現況之說明 131
    第二節 個案公司旗下各事業部多角化發展之說明 135
    一、建設事業部經營管理問題研究 136
    二、營建事業部經營管理問題研究 144
    三、文教事業部經營管理問題研究 148
    四、油品事業部經營管理問題研究 152
    五、租賃事業部經營管理問題研究 157
    第三節 個案公司策略之分析 165
    一、個案公司多角化策略分析 165
    二、個案公司多角化發展財務策略分析 169
    三、個案公司各類業務經營特徵與財務策略分析啟示 173
    第四節 個案公司多角化策略之選擇 174
    一、新的業務組合應力求達到如下效果: 174
    二、可能發展的業務 177
    三、個案公司多角化策略發展模式選擇 180
    第五章 結論與建議 186
    第一節 結論 186
    第二節 建議 188
    一、對個案公司建議 188
    二、對未來研究的建議 188
    參考文獻—附錄 190
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