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Title: | 走靈山的女人:臺灣當代薩滿「靈乩」的民族誌與精神分析 Women of Soul Mountain: An Ethnography and Psychoanalysis of Lingji-the Shaman of Contemporary Taiwan |
Authors: | 李峰銘 Lee, Fong Ming |
Contributors: | 張慧端 Chang, Hui Ten 李峰銘 Lee, Fong Ming |
Keywords: | 會靈山 靈乩 薩滿 民族誌 精神分析 Will-lingshan Lingji Shaman Ethnography Psychoanalysis |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-10-01 14:24:02 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文以人類學的田野調查方式,企圖對臺灣當代新興宗教現象會靈山,做一個全面性的田野與歷史探查。以民族誌書寫的方式,結合臺灣歷史的脈絡,勾勒出會靈山在臺灣當代民間宗教信仰中的重要位置,及其全面性之輪廓。以說明,會靈山是臺灣民間宗教信仰,第一次以通靈的方式,來呈現個人對愛的心理區位與精神動力之宗教現象,且打破傳統漢人男性為主的民間宗教信仰結構,所逐漸醞釀崛起的一個新興宗教之靈性運動。文中輔以三位女靈乩為研究個案對象,並以精神分析的取向進行分析—通靈者在靈性的追求上之內在心理機制。並從中發現精神分析的侷限性,與西方理論對於東方宗教的文化內涵,有其認知上的匱乏。因此筆者在此情況之下,援引東方開悟者大師--奧修(Osho)對諸多宗教核心的內在闡述,來作為田野現象與個案分析之依據,補足西方心理學或精神分析對東方宗教研究中的未盡之處。 In this paper, anthropological fieldwork manner, attempting to contemporary new religious phenomenon in Taiwan Will-Lingshan(會靈山), do a comprehensive history of fields and exploration. Writing Ethnography way to combining Taiwan`s historical context, and sketched out an important position Will-Lingshan in Contemporary Folk religion in Taiwan, and comprehensiveness of the outline. In explanation, it Will- Lingshan Taiwan folk religion, the first time psychic way to present personal religious phenomenon of love psychological and spiritual power of the location, and break the traditional male-dominated Han Chinese folk religion structure, which gradually brewing rise of a new religious spirituality movement. Text supplemented by three female spirit mediums case study of object orientation and psychoanalysis were analyzed - psychic in the pursuit of spiritual inner psychological mechanism. And discover the limitations of psychoanalysis, and Western theories of cultural connotation of Eastern religions, there is lack of awareness on their. Oriental religious studies Osho internal elaboration of many religious core, as a basis of case studies and field phenomenon, complement Western psychology or psychoanalysis - so I Under such circumstances, citing the East enlightened Masters The deficiencies of the Department. |
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Sondra Barrett PhD illuminating wine & life
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