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Title: | 密室任務-觀察電視新聞導播在副控室的資訊設計過程 Mission in the secret chamber |
Authors: | 胡雅絹 Hu, Ya Chuan |
Contributors: | 陳百齡 Chen, Pai Lin 胡雅絹 Hu, Ya Chuan |
Keywords: | 資訊設計 智能配置 電視新聞 導播 副控室 information design distributed cognition TV news television control room director |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-10-01 14:10:33 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 「資訊設計」乃運用蒐集、整合、呈現轉譯訊息,幫助使用者有效理解的知識,新聞行業日日例行此事,當今新聞保鮮期短暫,時效帶來的挑戰是速度考驗、資訊匱乏。本研究借用當代配置智能觀點,探討新聞工作者如何順利完成火線任務。研究人員從電視新聞副控室導播處理緊急製播的個案中發現,組織雖預先設計資訊連結環境,但設計並非完成式,而是當下進行式。過去導播想清楚再行動,帶頭衝鋒,一個口令一個動作的團隊合作模式,隨著準備時間刻不容緩,已轉向活用周遭資源,成員齊步踏前,自主運作模式。過程中,眾人智能配合情境轉變,發揮在地化。 Information design is to present the delivered messages by using collection, integration in order to help the users understand knowledge in an effective way. The journalism industry performs this everyday. The current issues rely on their immediacy; thus, the biggest challenge is definitely the speed. My research is to discuss how the journalists complete their tasks by using the approach of distributed cognition. The researchers have found some emergent cases in television control rooms that even though the organization has already designed information earlier; design itself is not the present perfect but the present progressive instead. In the past, the TV directors do the actions after thinking through it. One command after another, they lead the TV team as the teamwork pattern. However, with the importance of immediacy, the preparation time has to be simultaneous among the team members. They have developed to be flexible and spontaneous so that they can make a good use of the resources in the TV environment. In this process, cognition performs locally within the changes of whatever situations. |
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