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    Title: 綠色大眾運輸導向土地使用規劃模式
    A Land Use Planning Model for Green Transit-oriented Development
    Authors: 劉人華
    Liu, Jen Hua
    Contributors: 白仁德

    Pai, Jen Te
    Lin, Jen Jia

    Liu, Jen Hua
    Keywords: 大眾運輸導向發展
    Transit-oriented development
    land use planning model
    mathematical programming
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-09-01 16:26:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   伴隨著永續發展思潮之興起,「大眾運輸導向發展(Transit-oriented development, TOD)」已成為都市規劃之重要理念。相關研究雖曾就TOD緊密、混合使用發展帶來之永續效益進行探討,然高密度之發展模式亦會加速都市內資源消耗,並影響生活環境品質。為解決前述課題,相關文獻因而提出「綠色大眾運輸導向發展(Green transit-oriented development, Green TOD)」理念,以期待在TOD與綠色都市主義(Green urbanism)之結合下,形塑更為友善環境發展之都市型態。國內外雖有相關研究對Green TOD之規劃理念進行探討,並建立評估架構與準則,然規劃上仍未以該理念建構土地使用規劃模式,以協助規劃者研擬規劃方案;此外傳統土地使用規劃模式建構亦較少將土地使用配置現況與變更限制納入考量,規劃模式因而無法反映實際之規劃問題,並使其應用受到限制。
      研究結果發現,規劃模式部分目標因追求方向相同而不具有償付關係,然各目標規劃理念、衡量面向與決策內容皆有不同,規劃上因而有保留之必要性,規劃模式並可依據此特性追求整合性之規劃效益,且著重高密度發展策略之應用。而敏感度分析則顯示,預算額度多寡將影響模式之規劃彈性與償付關係之表現程度,規劃前應妥善分析土地使用配置現況後編列適當之預算資源,以確保規劃偏好達成。本研究建構之土地使用規劃模式可於Green TOD 理念下研提不同之替選方案,並輔助規劃單位進行土地使用、自行車路網、水資源配置之規劃作業。
    Transit-oriented development (TOD) has become a main concept of urban planning as the advocacy of sustainable development. Previous studies, though, have explored the benefit of TOD which features of compact development and mixed land use, excessive density would also accelerate the resources consumption in inner city and decrease the quality of living environment. To solve the aforementioned problems, studies have proposed the concept of “Green transit-oriented development (Green TOD)”, which combines the concepts of “TOD” and “Green Urbanism” in anticipation of shaping an environmentally friendly urban form. However, most of the studies about Green TOD mainly focus on defining the planning concept or establishing the evaluation framework and criteria of it, it still lacks a land use planning model for Green TOD which aims to generate planning alternatives objectively for planners. With regard to the land use planning model, prior studies seldom took the current zoning and rezoning restriction into consideration during the model formulation, which not only made the formulated model fail to represent the real planning problem but also decrease the application value.
    This study, therefore, develops a multi-objective land use planning model for Green TOD from the aspect of overall review of urban planning. The objectives of the model include “maximizing the development density”, “maximizing the mixed land use degree”, “maximizing the biophilic open space”, “maximizing the accessibility of non-motorized vehicle”, “minimizing the parking demand”, “maximizing the benefit of resource allocation” and “minimizing the rezoning scale of available land”. The constrains of the model include “the rezoning feasibility of overall review”, “the restriction of allocated location”, “the allocated restriction of minimum scale and maximum volume”, “budget limitation”, “identification of transit station area” and “connectivity of bikeway network”. The revised minimum deviation method with different weight settings was used to search the non-inferior solutions set for the simulated case to verify the applicability of the developed model. Besides, sensitivity analysis was used to explore the model characteristic.
    The result found that some of the objectives, which cannot be integrated due to the difference of planning concept, assessing aspect and decision contents, feature of non-trade-off relationship due to the same pursuing direction. The application of the model can therefore apply this characteristic to pursue the integrated benefit accordingly and focus on the planning approach of high density development. Besides, the sensitivity analysis showed that budget amount influences the planning flexibility and trade-off degree significantly. Budgeting should therefore be dealt appropriately after analyzing the current zoning to ensure the achievement of planning preference. The land use planning model developed by this study can be applied to generate planning alternatives under the planning concept of Green TOD and support the authorities for land use allocation, bikeway design and water resource allocation.
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