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Title: | 中國農民工子女教育權研究:比較武漢與北京的制度 Education of Migrant Children in China: A Comparative Study of Policy Implementations in Wuhan and Beijing |
Authors: | 古蓓詩 KUTAHYA, Basak |
Contributors: | 陳至潔 CHEN, Titus C. 古蓓詩 Basak KUTAHYA |
Keywords: | 中國 武漢 北京 移民學子 受教權 China Wuhan Beijing Migrant children Right to access to education |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-08-24 10:31:26 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 儘管中國的全國發展著重在教育並嚴格實行九年義務教育法令,然而數以百萬計的中國移民孩童仍被排除在國家教育體制之外。我的論文探討中國內部由鄉村移向都市的這群移民孩童的受教權。這篇研究著重在武漢市地方政府不同政策的實施,這篇研究實地到武漢、北京進行田野研究,尤其聚焦在這群移民兒童在這兩座城市所面對的心理障礙上。
然而,就在北京市政府官員因懼怕更多移民人口流入北京市,而猶豫是否要將移民孩童納入公共教育的一環時,此舉卻導致對這些孩童在制度與心理上更嚴重的歧視。此篇研究認為此種歧視並邊緣化移民人口的態度會造成城鄉人口之間的衝突與仇視。相反地,長遠來看,替移民學子推行更完整且公平的社會福利政策,將能吸引並留住更多高品質的移民勞工。因此,為達到教育平等的目標,需要將其教育平等與社會發展目標相互整合 Despite China’s national emphasis on education and the central government’s strict implementation of a 9-year compulsory education law, millions of Chinese migrant children are still excluded from the state-run education system. My thesis will examine the education rights of migrant children in China migrating from rural to urban cities; I will research the different policy implementations by the local administrations in this regard in Wuhan city, where I did a field study, and in Beijing, and will in particular focus on the psychological barriers these migrant children confront in these two cities.
Recently, some city governments have implemented reforms aimed at integrating migrant children into their state-run schooling system and Wuhan is one of these cities applying the public-oriented model to deal with this issue. While these reforms have been carried out successfully in Wuhan where there is a relatively large quantity of migrants, the Beijing government has experienced difficulty to properly apply the regulations in each of the city’s administrative districts at the same level.
While the Beijing city officials hesitated to include migrant children in public education with the fear of more migrants flooding into the city, this approach has led to greater discrimination against these migrant children both institutionally and psychologically. I argue in the conclusion that this attitude to marginalize the migrant populations could result in dissatisfaction and greater hostility between urban and migrant populations. On the contrary, the strategy of providing more comprehensive and equitable social benefits for migrant students attracts and retains more highly skilled migrant workers in the long term. Thus, the goal of achieving educational equity needs to be integrated with social development goals. |
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