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Title: | PC韌體產業產品多角化之研究-以A公司為例 A Study on Product Diversification of PC firmware Industries-Corporation A |
Authors: | 張經緯 Chang, Ching Wei |
Contributors: | 黃思明 Hwang, Syming 張經緯 Chang, Ching Wei |
Keywords: | PC產業 轉型 多角化 競爭優勢 代理人問題 PC industry Transformation Diversification Competition Advantage Agency Problem |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-08-24 10:19:22 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 自1970年代第一部個人電腦(PC, Personal Computer)的出現,以開放的架構開啟了一連串資訊革命,改變了人們學習與工作的方式。隨後在1980年代起,整體PC產業上中下游的產業鏈也為台灣帶來了經濟上高速的成長。 這樣的高速成長在2000年後逐漸有了微妙的變化,以台灣與中國大陸為主的硬體代工供應鏈,為硬體的低價提供了穩固的後勤保障,PC硬體的品牌形象隨著PC的應用轉以網際網路內容與雲端應用而逐漸式微。在2000年中期,隨著網際網路產業的興盛更進一步加速行動化應用技術的成熟。如此的變化讓許多網際網路應用的服務提供者得以挑戰傳統PC軟體與硬體的龍頭如微軟、英特爾、惠普、戴爾與IBM的領導地位。 過去近三十年間,以PC產業為主的電子資訊產業佔據了所謂高科技與創新的舞台之際,在近年來也不斷試圖以各式創新,如硬體本身的多樣化、時尚化,與多角化措施,如轉投資雲端服務、行動裝置或多品牌策略等,試圖在新的競賽中搶佔新的席位。但在無法脫離原本業所帶來的利益與包袱之下,常有運用原有人力、資金、管理團隊與思維來啟動新事業的情形,造成轉型的困境。 筆者有幸服務於曾參與PC產業榮景的領導廠商之一,也同樣見證其與近十年主要的多角化歷程,希望藉由本研究將其多角化的動機、作法與未能成功的原因以個案方式呈現,輔以相關學理與從業經驗分析,期能為類似業者在進行多角化措施提供貼近實務的參考範例。 本研究的問題有三點:為身處高門檻高獲利的寡占廠商的分析其(1)多角化動機(2)多角化作法與(3)可能失敗的原因 透過收集整理公開資料與曾參與多角化產品行銷的人員訪談,本研究得到以 下結論(1) 企業多角化策略制定應考慮管理團隊專長 (2) 多角化產品開發應以獨立組織或合資方式進行 (3) 公司多角化策略應注意代理人問題 (4) 公司多角化策略應參考其本業的競爭優勢建立條件。 The PC has changed the way we work and learn dramatically since it was introduced in 1970. Meantime, the information technologies have been through a continuous revolution base on the open hardware and software architecture of PC as well. Taiwan also benefits from the booming PC industry, as a key partner of PC supply chain, and has created a huge economic growth since 1980s. The landscape of PC industry has shifted gradually in early 2000s resulted from particular changes. The PC supply chain from Taiwan provides cost-effective hardware to make low-cost notebook happened and in addition to that, the internet and cloud application are altering the focus on brand image of PC hardware vendors to internet-based services providers, plus the booming internet industry has facilitated the readiness of mobile application from mid-2000s. All those changes allow the internet-based services providers to challenge the leadership of the giants from PC industry, such as Microsoft, Intel, HP, Dell and IBM. For last three decades, PC industry played the crucial role of high-tech innovation and it never stop to keep the leading positon via innovation to various and trendy ID design, diversification with cloud services, mobile devices as well as multi-brand strategies in recent years. However it is not easy to start up a new business with the benefit and limitation from original business thus the enterprise transformation would fail most likely. It’s been a pleasure for me to work for couple leading companies in PC era and witnessed part of the effort to diversification in “A company”. I expect to bring similar vendors a practical case study on the motivation, strategies and potential causes of failure of its diversification with recommendations generated from diversification theory and personal experience in field. There are three goals to this study: to analyze and find the (1) motivation of diversification (2) diversification strategy and (3) potential causes of failure, for a high profit company with high-entry barrier in oligopoly market. This study has reached the conclusions via collected and analyzed the public data and interviewed with key persons involved in diversification process of “A company”: (1) Diversification Strategy shall be incorporated with the expertise of leadership team (2) Production diversification shall be managed by an independent organization or a joint venture. (3) Diversification Strategy shall be observant to agency problem (4) Diversification Strategy shall be referred to and leveraged the elements of competition advantages in original business. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 102932028 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102932028 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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