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    Title: 跨文化危機之新聞框架分析: 比較台灣與菲律賓報紙對於「廣大興28號」事件之報導
    Framing Cross-Cultural Crisis: A Comparative Analysis of Coverage of the Guang Da Hsing No. 28 Incident in Taiwanese and Philippine Newspapers
    Authors: 黃真媚
    Moreno, Marvee Gail Huedem
    Contributors: 鄭怡卉
    Cheng, I Huei
    Marvee Gail Huedem Moreno
    Keywords: 廣大興28號
    Guang Da Hsing
    Content Analysis
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-24 09:56:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Framing research over the years has led to remarkable findings about how the media is able to influence public perception about certain issues or events. Framing analysis of international conflict is commonplace, yet only a few deal specifically with direct conflict between countries over a single incident. The current study conducted a comparative framing analysis on news reports of a single incident as covered by each country’s media. The incident in this case is the Guang Da Hsing shooting that occurred between Taiwan and the Philippines in May 2013. A content analysis of two newspapers from Taiwan and three from the Philippines was conducted to identify the frames that appeared in the text. Additionally, the incident was also examined from a cultural and crisis communication perspective, exploring themes of cultural difference, “othering”, attributions of responsibility, and crisis response strategies.
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