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    Title: 新創事業的口碑管理-以木酢家為例
    Word of Mouth Management of Startup Business - A Case Study of Mujohome Pet Supplies
    Authors: 黃楷評
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Keywords: 口碑效應
    word-of-mouth management
    start-up company
    online word-of-mouth
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-17 14:19:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣有很多的新創公司,產業結構以中小企業為主, 2013年台灣中小企業佔全體企業的97.64%;不可否認的是中小企業是台灣經濟的中流砥柱,也是幫助就業與平均分配所得的要角。然而,有超過三成的新設企業在五年以內結束營業,而經濟部2013年所出版的全球創業觀察台灣年報中的調查表示,新設企業在資金周轉不靈或是資源缺乏的情況下,將難以持續營運企業。
    本研究欲探討的問題有三,1. 新創事業在達到穩定期之前如何促進口碑傳播?再者,促進口碑傳播的行為與其成長階段的關係為何?2. 新創事業在達到穩定期之前如何監視口碑?再者,監視口碑的行為與其成長階段的關係為何?3. 新創事業在達到穩定期之前如何回應口碑?再者,回應口碑的行為與其成長階段的關係為何?
    透過深入訪談新創事業-木酢家,並配合相關次級資料的蒐集與整理,本研究獲得以下結論1.新創事業會透過接觸虛擬和實體世界中不同的人際網絡促進口碑傳播。2. 新創事業口碑監視的重點在於,更詳細的了解消費者行為,以及顧客真正想要的產品。3. 口碑回應是對消費者傳達理念的途徑,新創事業再塑造形象時會納入策略的一部分。
    There are many start-up companies in Taiwan, and therefore made the industrial structure full of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In the year of 2013, SMEs account for 97.64% of all the enterprises,and are the mainstay of the employment market andthe economy system in Taiwan. However, the data shows that over 30% of SMEs end up in 5 years, the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) from the Ministry of Economic Affairs said that the lack of money and resources are the biggest challenge of running a start-up company.
    When making the decision of buying products and services, people incline to ask for the opinions from friends or acquaintances. The data shows that 93% of the respondents search word-of-mouth informations on the internet, and 53% of them shared their experiences. The more satisfaction they perceived, the more likely they would share the experience. There were abundance of researches in the past studying word-of-mouth, much of them gave discussions on word-of-mouth effects and consumer behaviors, while only a few studying about word-of-mouth management from the enterprise view of point. Despite the power that word-of-mouth contains, if it can be apply by some of the SMEs, it might enhance the efficiency of utilizing resources.
    This thesis is going to study three questions: 1. How does a start-up company foster word-of-mouth before the company comes to a stabilizing phase? Moreover, what is the relationship between the word-of-mouth foster activity and the growing phases? 2. How does a start-up company monitor word-of-mouth before the company comes to a stabilizing phase? Moreover, what is the relationship between the word-of-mouth monitor activity and the growing phases? 3. How does a start-up company responds to word-of-mouth before the company comes to a stabilizing phase? Moreover, what is the relationship between the word-of-mouth responding activity and the growing phases?
    The research findings are describe as following:1. A Start-up company foster word-of-mouth by attaching different virtual and physical social networks. 2. The word-of-mouth monitor activity of a start-up company focuses on the comprehension of consumer behaviors and the consumer needs. 3. The word-of-mouth responding activity is a way to convey the belief of the company, it would be a part of the strategy when a start-up company is shaping its image.
    摘要 I
    目錄 III
    表目錄 IV
    圖目錄 V
    第一章 緒論 1
    第一節 研究背景與動機 1
    第二節 研究問題與目的 5
    第三節 論文架構 6
    第二章 文獻探討 7
    第一節 新創事業 7
    第二節 口碑 15
    第三節 口碑管理 23
    第四節 小結 32
    第三章 研究設計與方法 34
    第一節 研究架構與變數說明 34
    第二節 研究方法 37
    第三節 研究對象 39
    第四節 資料蒐集方式 39
    第四章 個案研究 42
    第一節 背景介紹 42
    第二節 商品化期 43
    第三節 成長期 58
    第四節 小結 74
    第五章 研究發現與討論 79
    第一節 口碑傳播促進 79
    第二節 口碑監視 83
    第三節 口碑回應 86
    第四節 新創事業成長階段與口碑管理的關係 87
    第六章 研究結論與建議 89
    第一節 研究結論 89
    第二節 實務上之建議 90
    第三節 研究限制 91
    第四節 後續研究建議 92
    參考文獻 94
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102364119
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