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    Title: 我國生技製藥廠商與國際生技製藥廠商研發合作關係之研究
    R&D Collaboration of biopharmaceutical firms between taiwan and other countries
    Authors: 許芯沛
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Keywords: 跨國研發合作
    Multinational R&D Collaboration
    Motivation of R&D Collaboration
    Partner Selection
    Knowledge Transfer
    Project Management
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-17 14:19:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 根據KPMG的研究顯示(2014),生技製藥廠商間的合作是產業發展的趨勢,但合作的目的已經從原先的降低成本,發展到加速創新的產生。眾多國際製藥公司已經與外部夥伴進行合作,其中合作研發最能發揮合作夥伴間的效用,越緊密的合作越能使得合作網絡中多樣化的技術、能力結合,從而增強對於未被滿足醫療需求的理解。由此可見,跨國研發合作成為全球生技製藥廠商的企業策略。過去已有許多學者研究我國科技產業與國際廠商之研發合作,但甚少探究生技製藥廠商與國際生技製藥廠商間的研發合作。
    According to the research of KPMG in 2014, R&D collaboration between biopharmaceutical firms is the trend of biopharmaceutical industry. Under the circumstance of globalization, product life-cycles are gradually shortening. The purpose of R&D collaboration change from cost reduction to speeding up innovation. Therefore, multinational R&D collaboration has become a global business strategy for biopharmaceutical firms. Most of the past studies of multinational R&D collaboration focus on ICT industry in Taiwan. Few specially investigate biopharmaceutical industry. Consequently, a research gap can be found as multinational R&D collaborating between biopharmaceutical firms of Taiwan and biopharmaceutical firms of other countries. This research focus on the biopharmaceutical firms of Taiwan, explore how multinational R&D collaboration influence factors (business strategy, core competencies and the motivation of multinational R&D collaboration) affect multinational R&D collaboration management of firms.
    This research adopts two biopharmaceutical firms in Taiwan as case studies and conducts interviews with managers to understand multinational R&D collaboration influence factors and multinational R&D collaboration management. The conclusions of this research are as below:
    This research finds out that the motivations of multinational R&D collaboration of Taiwan firms are coincident, including cost reduction, diversification of risk, resources and technologies complementarity. The evaluations of partner selecting are also coincident, including resources and technologies complementarity, collaboration experience, operating strategy complementarity and financial capability. In addition, core competencies may affect the initiation stage of R&D collaboration and the initiation stage of R&D collaboration may affect the mechanisms of knowledge transfer and the way of multinational collaboration. Moreover, this research also found out that the biopharmaceutical firms of Taiwan might primarily choose to collaborate with international partners who have indirect competitive relationship with them. Last, the biopharmaceutical firms of Taiwan and their partners protect their intellectual property in the way of trade secret.
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