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    题名: 台灣產業後備軍的變遷及理論探討
    The theory and changes of Taiwan’s Reserve Army of Labour
    作者: 王淳芳
    Wang, Chun Fang
    贡献者: 劉梅君
    Liu, Mei Chun
    Wang, Chun Fang
    关键词: 失業
    unemployment problem
    economic crisis
    reserve army of labour
    relative surplus population
    日期: 2015
    上传时间: 2015-08-17 14:14:42 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 自1980年代起新自由主義的崛起,主張自由市場、自由貿易、和不受限制的資本流動,認為這樣將能創造出最大的社會、政治、和經濟的利益,並以全球化來運用全世界的資源,但卻反而使失業成為全球性的普遍趨勢。在歷經了幾次的全球性金融危機,尤其是近年2008年由美國次貸危機引起的全球金融海嘯,更是令各國的失業率皆明顯上升。隨著新自由主義全球化的擴張,主流經濟學對於日漸嚴重的失業問題顯然已不足以提供充分的解釋,因而社會上開始對失業現象尋求另一種解釋。
    從本篇研究和Deepankar Basu(2013)在“The Reserve Army of Labor in the Postwar U. S. Economy”文中對美國失業現象作的分析,均得出一致性的結論,即馬克思對於失業的解釋是較為科學且周全的,認為《資本論》對於資本主義中的失業現象的觀點,是相較於主流經濟學學說,更具有科學性和合理性的論述。
    Neoliberalism, which claims that free markets and trade, globalization of world resources, and unrestricted capital flow will maximally benefit the interests of society, politics, and the economy, rose to prominence in the 1980s. However, the outcome was far from the perceived ideal, resulting in an increase in worldwide unemployment. After several global financial crises, in particular the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008, the unemployment rate dramatically increased in every country. With the expansion of neoliberal globalization, the worldwide unemployment problem has become increasingly unmanageable with mainstream economic policies, prompting economists everywhere to seek alternative solutions to this issue.
    The purpose of this study is to find a more accurate explanation of the current worldwide unemployment problem. First, we will frame the unemployment problem from the perspective of mainstream economics and contrast it with that of “Das Kapital”. Next, we will classify Taiwan’s reserve army of labor into four categories, according to the definition provided in “Das Kapital”. Thirdly, we will analyze the stocks and flows of Taiwan’s reserve army of labor via time series, and observe the trends and changes during economic recessions. Finally, after analysis of the statistical tables and run charts in chapter 3, we validate the perspective taken by “Das Kapital” - that the inherent law of capitalism has negatively influenced the working class.
    From the analysis of unemployment in America performed by Deepankar Basu(2013)along with this study, we can conclude “Das Kapital” explains the unemployment problem of capitalism in a more scientific and comprehensive manner when compared to the explanations provided by mainstream economic theory.
    參考文獻: 一、 書籍

    1. Olivier J. Blanchard (2008),Neoclassical synthesis,The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics 2nd Edition。
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    二、 期刊

    1. David C. Colander (2008), Complexity and History of Economic Thought, Middlebury college economics discussion paper no. 08-04.
    2. Deepankar Basu (2013), The Reserve Army of Labor in the Postwar U. S. Economy, Science & Society: Vol. 77, No. 2.
    3. John Bellamy Foster et al.(2011(,The Global Reserve Army of Labor and the New Imperialism,Monthly Review: Vol. 63(6, 2011).
    4. Paul M. Sweezy (1942), The Theory of Capitalist Development, New York: Monthly review press, 1964, c1942.
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    三、 碩博士論文

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    四、 電子媒體資料

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    五、 統計資料網站

    1. 中華民國統計網http://www.stat.gov.tw/mp.asp?mp=4
    2. 國家發展委員會:http://www.ndc.gov.tw/m1.aspx?sNo=0000161&ex=1#.VX2RG1Wqqko
    3. 勞動部勞動統計業務:http://www.mol.gov.tw/cht/index.php?code=list&ids=38
    4. 經濟部工業局產業政策:http://www.moeaidb.gov.tw/
    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101262002
    数据类型: thesis
    显示于类别:[勞工研究所] 學位論文


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