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    政大機構典藏 > 法學院 > 法律學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/77581
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    Title: 人民幣國際化背景下的兩岸資本跨境流通
    The Flow of Fund between Mainland China and Taiwan under the Background of Internationalization of RMB
    Authors: 徐航
    Xu, Hang
    Contributors: 王文杰
    Wang, Wen Chieh
    Xu, Hang
    Keywords: 人民幣國際化
    Internationalization of RMB
    Cross border capital
    foreign exchange control
    investment laws and regulations
    Free Trade Zone
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-17 14:12:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 兩岸經貿在政治的隔閡與反復中,從小到大,從封閉到逐漸開放。在這個過程中,兩岸資金融通的不斷擴大成為這場華麗經濟表演的背景。但隨著人民幣在國際舞台角色變化,兩岸貨幣流通從背景中走出,金融合作發展甚至可能成為兩岸經濟未來的最重要之組成。
    從法律角度審視兩岸跨境資金流通,繁瑣的管制措施與複雜的法律體系正在逐漸消減。從直接投資角度而言,對外中國大陸不斷推動外商投資企業法規的改制以吸引外商投資;對內則努力減少中國企業融資阻礙,以推動中國大陸企業走出去。而台灣雖然對於陸資仍然保持著較大的戒心,亦逐步放開對大陸投資管制,並開放陸資來台來台促進經濟發展。從間接投資角度而言,中國大陸逐步放開資本項下的管制, QDII、QFII等投資管道不斷推陳出新,更加開放的未來成為可能。
    The economic and trade have developed since 1980s though faced with the political barriers. The two sides is expected to work together in peace in the future.
    From the perspective of cross-border capital flow, the two sides set up a complicated and complex control measures, forming a complex legal system. From the view of direct investment, China is currently promoting the restructuring of foreign investment enterprises and regulations to attract foreign investment. Reducing the financing pressure of Chinese enterprises and promoting the Chinese mainland enterprises to go out become one of the focus of the mainland policy. However, Taiwan resist the Chinese capital. From the perspective of indirect investment, China`s mainland is currently expanding various investment pipelines, such as QDII, QFII, etc.. In the future, capital of cross-border capital flows will be more convenient. Taiwan also has more space to intervene.
    The establishment of free trade zone has become the pioneer of China`s financial reform, and its development has been the most advanced in the financial reform, capital projects and the internationalization of RMB. Negative list and a series of financial reform measures will gradually move to the country. Taiwan`s free economic demonstration zone has entered a difficult situation.
    Facing such a future, from a legal point of view, this paper puts forward the following five suggestions: 1. Promote cross-strait trade in local currency settlement, deepen economic and trade exchanges between the two sides; 2. The establishment of bilateral currency exchange mechanism, and jointly promote the RMB regionalization and internationalization; 3. To promote exchanges and cooperation on both sides of the capital market, build Taiwan as an offshore RMB Centre; 4. To promote cross-strait financial supervisory cooperation, build cross-strait financial firewall.
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