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Title: | 大學生的人際依附風格、愛情信念與關係衝突因應策略之研究 A study of Attachment Style, Love Beliefs, and Conflict-Coping Strategies in Relationship among college student |
Authors: | 李晉源 |
Contributors: | 修慧蘭 李晉源 |
Keywords: | 愛情關係 人際依附風格 愛情信念 關係衝突因應策略 love relationship attachment style love beliefs conflict-coping strategies in relationship |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-08-17 14:11:17 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究目的在瞭解大學生的人際依附風格、愛情信念與關係衝突因應策略彼此間之關聯性。研究對象為856位北部大專院校通識課或相關課程的大學生。本研究使用「人際依附風格量表」(安全型依附、焦慮型依附、忽略逃避型依附、害怕逃避型依附)、「愛情信念量表」(發展信念、命運信念)與「關係衝突因應策略量表」(表明因應、忠誠因應、忽視因應、離開因應)為研究工具,所得資料先以驗證性因素分析與Cronbach’s α分析「愛情信念量表」與「關係衝突因應策略量表」之信度與效度,再以描述性統計、獨立樣本單因子多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關與典型相關進行正式資料分析,主要研究結果如下: 一、 大學生的人際依附風格以「安全依附」的傾向較高;愛情信念中較傾向有「發展信念」;關係衝突因應策略較傾向採用「表明因應」。 二、 女性在「害怕逃避依附」、「發展信念」之得分高於男性;男性在「忠誠因應」、「忽視因應」及「離開因應」之得分高於女性。目前有交往對象者在「安全依附」、「發展信念」與「表明因應」的傾向較高;曾經有交往對象者在「安全依附」、「命運信念」、「忠誠因應」、「忽視因應」與「離開因應」的傾向較高;未曾有交往對象者在「焦慮依附」、「忽略逃避依附」、「害怕逃避依附」、「命運信念」、「忠誠因應」、「忽視因應」與「離開因應」的傾向較高。 三、 人際依附風格、愛情信念與關係衝突因應策略三組變項間有三組典型相關存在:1.「安全依附」和「發展信念」愈高,則其「表明因應」愈高,「忽視因應」與「離開因應」愈低;2.「焦慮依附」、「害怕逃避依附」和「命運信念」愈高,則其「忠誠因應」與「忽視因應」愈高;3.「安全依附」與「命運信念」愈高,則其「表明因應」與「離開因應」愈高。 根據以上研究發現,本研究提出進一步的討論,並提供愛情/婚姻教育與諮商實務工作上之建議及未來之研究方向。
關鍵詞:愛情關係、人際依附風格、愛情信念、關係衝突因應策略 The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship among attachment style, love beliefs, and conflict-coping strategies in relationship. 856 college students who located in Northern Taiwan were selected as subjects. The data was collected from the inventory of attachment style (secure attachment, preoccupied attachment, fearful-avoidant attachment, dismissing-avoidant attachment), love beliefs (growth belief, destiny belief), and conflict-coping strategies in relationship (voice coping, loyalty coping, neglect coping, exit coping). The confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach’s α were used to analyze the reliability and validity for both love beliefs and conflict-coping strategies in relationship. The descriptive statistics, multivariate analysis of variance, pearson’s correlation and canonical correlation analysis were used to complete the full analysis. The major findings are presented as follow:
1. Most of college students (in our sample) are secure attached, growth belief in love, and use voice conflict-coping strategies. 2. The dismissing-avoidant attachment, and growth belief of female college students are higher than that of the male college students, The loyalty coping, neglect coping, exit coping of male college students are higher than that of the female college students, The college students who currently in a relationship tend to have higher score in secure attachment, growth belief, and voice coping, The college student who has boy/girl friend before tend to have higher score in secure attachment, destiny belief, loyalty coping, neglect coping, exit coping, The college students who never had boy/girl friends tend to have higher score in preoccupied attachment, fearful-avoidant attachment, dismissing-avoidant attachment, destiny belief, loyalty coping, neglect coping, exit coping. 3. There were three significant canonical correlation between attachment style, love beliefs, and conflict-coping strategies in relationship. First, higher secure attachment and growth belief were associated with higher voice coping and lower neglect coping and exit coping. Second, higher preoccupied attachment and dismissing-avoidant attachment were associated with higher loyalty coping and neglect coping. Third, higher secure attachment and dismissing-avoidant attachment were associated with higher voice coping and exit coping.
The implications of this study for love/marriage education and counseling worker, along with future research suggestions, are discussed herein.
Keyword: love relationship, attachment style, love beliefs, and conflict-coping strategies in relationship |
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