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    Title: 選舉中線上口碑風暴之研究
    An Examination Of Online Firestorm In Election
    Authors: 陳怡臻
    Chen, Yi Chen
    Contributors: 尚孝純
    Shang, Shiaw Chun
    Chen, Yi Chen
    Keywords: 負面電子口碑
    Negative word of mouth
    Online firestorm
    Political election
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-17 14:07:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在這網路發達的世界,電子口碑(electronic word of mouth)一直以來都是學術界研究的重點。電子口碑分成正面跟負面,尤其以負面電子口碑備受關注,因為這會帶給企業難以估計的傷害。而在2014年,開始有學者提出了網路風暴(online firestorm)的新名詞,描述在現代社群網路下,負面口碑在網路上突然大量流傳的現象。

    關於網路風暴的文獻相當少,但在台灣2014年舉辦的九合一選舉中,可以看出網路風暴對選情的影響之大,我們觀察到某些候選人可以藉由應對來有效控制情勢,但有些回應卻會讓負面口碑風暴越趨惡化,因此我們想要探究這之間的問題所在。所以本研究首先透過文獻了解口碑風暴的定義,從而利用文獻推斷出口碑風暴形成過程。並以Google Trend設計出衡量口碑風暴的方式,以此找出選舉中符合口碑風暴標準的負面口碑案例。之後把案例分成三種情境,每種情境以兩個不同候選人的個案為例,把從Opview收集到的負面口碑資料套用在設計出的公式裡來判斷選舉人的應對有效與否。選舉人的應對則會利用Benoit印象修復理論來做進一步說明。最後,由於此篇研究是以選舉中的口碑風暴為主,因此我們會把選舉中的口碑風暴與傳統商業中的口碑風暴做比較,來看兩者間有何不同或相同之處。
    During the political election period in Taiwan in Nov. 2014, this study observed significant effects caused by online firestorms: some candidates used appropriate responses to mitigate their effects or minimize the harm, some turned negative into positive support of their brand, but some candidates were unable to manage the crisis and lost their brand value. To date, few studies have noted the importance of negative WOM (NWOM) management in political election campaigns. Nor have studies noted the effects of online firestorms on brand value. This study undertakes research to seek answers to the following research questions: What is the uniqueness of online firestorms in a political election? And, how do candidates respond the online firestorm to retain brand value?

    This study initially reviewed the literature on negative WOM and online firestorm, and consolidated these studies to formulate the forming process of an online firestorm. Then the study classified online political election firestorm cases into three categories including fault, defect, and counterforce slander, and analyzed the best responses in each situation. Next, the study applied Google Trend to measure the online firestorm and referred image restoration theory to form an understanding of the response of a brand manager. The study results show that for fault situation, the most useful strategies seem to be mortification, minimization the offensive feeling, and ignoring to respond to most offensive accusations. For defect situation, the most used strategies are insisting the main opinion and using attack strategy to evade the most offensive accusations. Last, for counterforce slander situation, most candidates used full denial, blame shifting and accuser attack strategies to prove their innocence.

    Finally, the study further distinguished the difference between conventional business online firestorm and political elections online firestorm from several angles which include: online firestorm targets, causes, consumer reactions, initiatives, effects and dissemination.
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