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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 企業管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/77541

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    题名: 國際併購策略與整合-以中美矽晶為例
    A Case Study on the International M&A and Integration
    作者: 黃渝婷
    贡献者: 邱奕嘉
    关键词: 半導體產業
    Semiconductor Industry
    International M&A
    Post-merger Integration
    HR Management
    日期: 2015
    上传时间: 2015-08-17 14:05:31 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 在現今競爭激烈且日益趨向全球化的市場上,企業追求成長的壓力不斷的增加,企業若是無法持續成長,就可能隨時被市場淘汰,而併購是企業追求成長的重要方式之一,企業併購通常被認為可以帶給企業獲利、加速發展、提升市場占有率、實現規模經濟、掌握上下游資源、取得專利技術等諸多好處,但看似美好的背後往往潛藏著許多看不見的危機,嚴重的話更可能帶來併購失敗的災難性後果。而企業合併後馬上面臨許多整合問題,包含人事安排、組織改造、市場整合以及品牌定位等重要項目。跨國的企業併購更需要考量不同的國情文化、法律以及政治問題,併購成功與否的關鍵也更加複雜。
    Nowadays, due to the highly competitive and gradually-globalized market, the pressure on enterprises to pursue growth increases continually. If enterprises failed to continue to grow in the market, they would be eliminated through competition. M&A (merger and acquisition), as one of the most important ways to pursue business growth, is generally thought to bring corporate profits, accelerated development, increased market share and achieve economies of scale, master upstream and downstream resources, patented technology and many other benefits. However, there are also many invisible crises that can bring enterprises catastrophic consequences. Once the M&A is decided, the enterprise will immediately face lots of issues, including personnel arrangements, reconstruction of organization, market integration and brand positioning. When it comes to cross-border M&A, the key to the success is much more complex, as the different national cultures, legal and political issues need to be considered by the enterprise at the same time.
    In this study, the motivation of international M&A, and the critical factors of successful merger integration were explored. In view of the global semiconductor industry has matured and the competition has become increasingly intense, the research topic was focused on the international M&A in the semiconductor industry. By using in-depth interviews as the first-hand research data, the case company’s early acquisition evaluations and post-merger management decisions were resolved in detail. In conclusion, the keys to upgrading a company’s competitiveness are how to reorganize and keep the acquired company`s system and original excellent culture through a respectful way, how to quickly improve operational efficiency and increase productivity of the merged corporation without sacrificing organization flexibility, continuing to enhance research and innovation capacity by sharing and exchanging technologies and intellectual property resources, and increasing employees’ sense of belonging and trust via integrating humane management. This case is worth as an important reference to international M&A decision makers for evaluation and enhancing the operational efficiency in the future.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103363045
    数据类型: thesis
    显示于类别:[企業管理學系] 學位論文


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