Abstract: | 中國大陸自改革開放以來,在政治、經濟、社會、文化、民生等各層面,皆 發生史無前例的巨變,而基督教之興起,特別是具有「靈恩運動」特色者,更是 一個引起國內、外學者注意的重要領域。當代中國基督教的現況,與全球化潮流 下其他地區或國家的基督教發展有密切關係,本三年期研究計畫,即擬從比較的 視野,深入探討中國當代基督徒如何在此潮流下理解其身份,並建構其信仰社群。 本三年期研究計畫主要採用文獻分析方法,另外亦輔以參與觀察與深度訪 談。後者的進行將選擇中國大陸華東地區,幾個「地級市」和省會城市「真耶穌 教會」的大學生團契、民工團契、商人團契、老人團契等為對象,從(一)信仰 經驗;(二)《聖經》詮釋;(三)儀式崇拜;(四)組織運作四個層面著手考察。 希望藉此研究一方面建立「當代中國大陸基督教研究資料庫」,另一方面則將中 國當代基督教置於「世界基督教」的圖像脈絡,透過比較研究勾勒其特色,以增 廣學者認識此議題之視野。 Since the implementation of its open-door policy, China has undergone tremendous transformations with respect to its politics, economy, society, culture, and people’s livelihood. The rapid growth of Christianity, tinged with Pentecostal- charismatic features, is also an impressive one among them. From the global perspective, Christianity in China today has a close relationship with the developments of Christianity in various parts of the world. This three-year research project hence aims to explore how Christians in contemporary China understand their religious identity and accordingly establish their church community in the currents of globalization. This research project primarily adopts the method of textual analysis to accomplish its task, but it also involves participant observation and personal interviews. For the latter purposes, the researcher will focus on provincial cities in the region of Eastern China, therein interacting with four types of fellowship of the True Jesus Church composed respectively of college students, migrant workers, businessmen, and old people by investigating their religious experience, Biblical interpretation, worship, and community operation. It is expected that by such an exploration, the result of this research project will lead to the establishment of a databank on contemporary Chinese Christianity on the one hand, and, on the other, a depiction of its prominent characteristics in the context of World Christianity. |