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    Title: 亞太經濟合作(APEC)架構下推動區域經濟整合途徑之研究
    A Study of the Ways Toward Regional Economic Integration in APEC Architecture
    Authors: 陳郁淇
    CHEN, Yu Chi
    Contributors: 魏艾
    CHEN, Yu Chi
    Keywords: 亞太經濟合作
    Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
    Free Trade Area of Asia-Pacific
    Regional Economic Integration
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-03 13:42:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 素有經貿聯合國之稱的世界貿易組織自2001年起推動的杜哈回合談判,歷經13年的談判僅於2013年12月達成小部分的早期收穫,如此緩速的進展,使得各國紛紛轉向較小規模,較快完成的區域貿易協定,亞太地區國家也積極的參與其中。亞太經濟合作(APEC)為亞太地區唯一的經貿相關跨政府論壇,亦關注到此發展趨勢。自2004年起經由企業家代表組成的企業諮詢委員會提案成立亞太自由貿易區,至2007年正式進入APEC的議程,但推動的過程並不順遂,美國遂轉向發展太平洋夥伴協定,東協國家專注於區域全面經濟夥伴協定,拉美會員體形成太平洋聯盟,APEC則發展出區域經濟整合議程並同時推動著亞太自由貿易區,後者雖然推動力道薄弱,但卻未消失在議程中。直至2010年及2014年在日本及中國大陸的主辦優勢下,將亞太自由貿易區定調為全面高品質的自由貿易協定,為APEC達成茂物目標的主要工具之一,而達成的途徑則是以現有的區域間發展的經濟整合機制為主,另外區域經濟整合議程採取部門別議題別的方式進行,也是朝著茂物目標邁進。

    The Doha Development Agenda (DDA) gained little progress by the WTO since 2001. Many countries including those in the Asia Pacific area changed their policy and decided to join themselves in free trade agreements (agreements which were smaller scale and faster to complete) in comparison with the DDA. Upon noticing this trend by APEC, the establishment of Free Trade Area of Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) was proposed in 2004 by the APEC Business Advisory Council. It became one of the topics in the APEC agenda in 2007. However, the progress of FTAAP was not as expected, members in APEC had their own focus thereafter. The United States focused on the Tras-Pacific Partership (TPP), ASEAN members developed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and members in Latin America targeted on Pacific Alliance. Within APEC, the discussion of FTAAP till now has reached a consensus on the definition as a high quality and comprehensive trade agreement, that builds on the sub-regional trade agreement. Besides, there is another topic as regional economic integration agenda (REI agenda) which is subject oriented and non-binding to APEC members. Both FTAAP and REI agenda are ways for the realization of Bogor Goals.

    This study starts from the APEC content, principles and visions to the possible directions and restrictions of the development of the FTAAP and REI agenda. With regard to FTAAP, it`s rule-based and it has little possibility to launch negotiations in a short term, and it could be accomplished by the expansion of TPP. In regard to the REI agenda, the accomplishment of facilitation is more important than liberalization. It should deepen and broaden the trade facilitation measures, such as supply-chain connectivity, customs procedures, transparency...etc.

    Finally the suggestions for Taiwan`s participation in those two areas are as follows. To participate fully in the activity and the realization of FTAAP, this will avoid the possibility to be excluded from the FTAAP. Taiwan should invest a bigger effort in the Committee of Trade and Investment, its sub-flora and the meeting operation. We should make good use of APEC considering is one of the few international organizations Taiwan possesses full membership of to create a positive environment that will enable us in the economic integration.
    Reference: 壹、 中文資料

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    陳添枝編。不能沒有ECFA : 東亞區域經濟整合對臺灣的挑戰。臺北:財團法人兩岸交流遠景基金會,2011年。

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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1019220041
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