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    Title: 臺灣高等教育機構國際品質保證之研究
    Exploring the Internationalization of Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Taiwan
    Authors: 簡瑋成
    Chien, Wei Cheng
    Contributors: 秦夢群

    Chin, Meng Chun
    Wu, Cheng Ta

    Chien, Wei Cheng
    Keywords: 高等教育
    higher education
    internationalization of quality assurance
    international quality
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-03 13:40:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在國際間追求與完善高等教育品質之趨勢下,臺灣各高等教育機構發展國際品質水準實有其必要性與急迫性,而在國內相關研究論文闕如情況下,臺灣有必要增進國際品質保證議題之研究視野,此凸顯出本研究的重要價值。因此,本研究聚焦於高等教育品質議題,探究如何發展具有國際品質水準的大專校院,從高等教育機構國際品質保證的觀點來進行探討。研究以自編問卷從臺灣159間大專校院中,等距抽樣80校(一般體系36校、技職體系44校),共發出2,377份正式問卷調查各一、二級行政主管人員,總共分析65間學校,337份有效問卷。最後經統計分析,本研究歸納以下幾點結論:
    In pursuit of the international trend to improving the quality of higher education, it is necessary and urgency for the higher education institutions in Taiwan to develop their international quality. In the case of research papers lacking, it is vital to increase research of internationalisation of quality assurance in Taiwan. This highlights the positive value of the study. Therefore, this study focuses on the quality of higher education, to explore how to develop higher education institutions with international quality from the viewpoint of internationalisation of quality assurance. In this study, 80 schools were surveyed by systematic sampling from 159 schools in Taiwan. Of the 2,377 surveys from 80 schools, and a total of 337 valid surveys from 65 schools were eventually used for data analysis. There are seven important findings as follows: (1) The scale of internationalisation of quality assurance for higher education institutions including seven factors is a effective tool to measure the perception and implementation of internationalisation of quality assurance. (2) The colleges in Taiwan generally perceived the importance of internationalisation of quality assurance. (3) The implementation of internationalisation of quality assurance in the Taiwanese colleges is passable. (4) The perception of importantance of internationalisation of quality assurance in the Taiwanese colleges is better than the implementation. (5) The performace of international quality in the Taiwanese colleges is passable. (6) The model of the correlation between internationalisation of quality assurance and international quality in higher education is suitable. (7) There are no moderating effects in the model. Finally, according to the conclusions of the study, some suggestions are offered for internationalisation of quality assurance in Taiwan.
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