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    Title: 國營事業員工的職務角色與主觀績效認知之研究-以平衡計分卡績效指標為例
    The Study on Managerial Roles and Perceived Performance for State-Owned Enterprises Employees: the Perspectives of Balanced Scorecard Performance Indicators
    Authors: 于佳弘
    Yu, Jia Horng
    Contributors: 顏良恭
    Yen, Liang Kung
    Yu, Jia Horng
    Keywords: 國營事業
    state-owned enterprises
    managerial role
    Balanced ScoreCard
    perceived performance
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-03 13:34:10 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 工作中,我們常常可以發現主管與員工對於工作上有著不同的看法,這些差異不僅會影響主管與員工之間的關係,同時也會對組織績效產生影響,為重視職務角色對於公司績效衡量認知差異的影響,並增加衡量指標的多元面向,本研究期藉由導入平衡計分卡的概念,兼顧組織績效評估的均衡性。爰此,以平衡計分卡之四項構面探討職務角色對於港務公司主觀績效指標之認知差異,輔以績效指標之重要性-滿意度分析,針對各構面的指標進行剖析。
    In daily work,we can find that manager and staff have different opinion very often.This difference will not only affect the relationship between each other but also the working performance.To emphasis the different coginition of organizational performance evaluation by managerial role,and add the different dimention of performance indicators,this study use Balanced ScoreCard to make the organizational performance evaluation more balance.Therefore,the study will find out the coginition of state-owned enterprises perceived performance by managerial role in the perspective of BSC.Futhermore,we can through Importance- Performance Analysis to analysis the each dimension of BSC.
    This study is a case from TIPC,Port of Kaohsiung , The participants of the present study were employees and managers chosen by position in the company.Send out 350 questionaries,and 290 is returned,the responded rates is 83%.Confirmatory factor analysis was applied to examine the construct validity of adopted measurement instruments and T-test,ANOVA,IPA was employed to test the hypotheses.
    The main findings show that: (1) managers feel the performance indicators are more important than employees.(2) managers feel the performance indicators are more satisfied than employees.(3) the performance indicators’ importance and satisfication are significant relevance.(4) the performance indicators’ importance and satisfication will have different coginition by managerial role.
    Finally,few practical recommendations were made : from organizational perspect (1)open the decision making procedure and imformation.(2) letting the communication and exchange more often.(3) institution rules toward more innovate and flexible (4) change the personnel institution.(5) reviw the performance appraisal.(6) encourage sectors work together; from employee perspect:care about new staffs’ adapt situation and relationship,raising their organizational commitment.
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