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    Title: 從體育研究生資訊需求探討館藏使用與滿意度研究
    Study on Library Collections Use and Satisfaction from Perspectives of Information Needs for Sport Graduate Students
    Authors: 洪妃
    Hung, Fei
    Contributors: 王梅玲
    Wang, Mei Ling
    Hung, Fei
    Keywords: 大學圖書館
    University Library
    Information Needs
    Information Behavior
    Service Quality
    Collection Services
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-03 13:27:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 研究生學習主要目的為完成課堂作業,準備課程討論、講習、研討會,或蒐集資料以供撰寫論文研究之需求,其次,體育領域研究生對於「增加體育專業能力」和「職場專業延伸」方面的需求也佔重要比例。為了達成上述目的,研究生會有需要到圖書館使用館藏服務以滿足任務需求。而圖書館所提供的館藏服務包含:圖書、期刊、電子書、電子期刊、資料庫與視聽資料等。本研究利用訪談法針對「體育研究生對館藏服務滿意度」進行評鑑指標的建構與修訂,以國立體育大學研究生進行問卷調查,評估其對館藏服務的重要性與滿意度。
    本研究的研究目的有四點:(一) 探討體育研究生資訊需求與資訊尋求行為。(二)探討體育研究生館藏使用現況與支援資訊需求之情形。(三)探討體育研究生實體館藏與電子館藏使用現況與滿意度。(四)從體育研究生對館藏使用重要性與滿意度之落差,針對不滿意地方,提供改善館藏之參考。
    為獲得研究結果,本研究透過訪談法具體建構出三個評鑑構面、23個指標為滿意度問卷,做為體育研究生對圖書館館藏服務滿意度的評鑑工具。本問卷對國立體育大學全體研究生實際發放問卷調查,獲得以下結論:(一) 體育研究生來自多元的背景特質。(二) 體育研究生資訊需求以課業需要、撰寫論文為主;體育研究生最常使用的館藏服務是圖書借閱。(三) 體育研究生館藏使用是電子期刊、資料庫及圖書。(四) 體育研究生需要的支援是方便的校外連線及便利的網站設計。(五) 體育大學研究生對圖書館滿意度低。(六) 體育研究生對圖書館館藏有高度期待。
    針對所獲得的研究結果,本研究也提出幾點建議:(一) 可藉由調整西文電子期刊訂購類別,以及要求跨資料庫整合平台的廠商改進搜尋資料的正確性和精準度,及擴充免費電子資源的範圍,以解決西文電子期刊不足的問題,。(二) 圖書館最需要改進的館藏服務為電子資源的全文提供,和電子資源網站取得全文的易用性。(三) 圖書資源應增加新穎性與多元性,請老師介入推荐圖書,提供新穎及符合研究生需求的最新圖書資源。(四) 依使用需求來改善圖書館檢索系的使用者介面。(五) 建置有彈性的教育訓練課程。
    A graduate student’s major task is to study for completion of course works, for preparations during graduate programs, workshops and seminars, and for data collection and technique for research papers written requirements. Moreover, the following two requirements are also accounted for a significant proportion to a graduate student who concentrates on the field of sport. The first one is how to increase the physical professional competence. And the second one is how to extend the professional career. To achieve the purposes mentioned above, graduate students will need to use library collections and services to meet the study requirements. And these library collections and services include books, journals, e-books, e-journals, databases, audio-visual materials, and so on. In this study, the interview survey is used to build the evaluation crtirea and modification for the sport graduate student’s satisfaction on the library collections and services. The process is firstable to interview and design a questionnaire for the National Taiwan Sport University (NTSU) graduate students. And then, it is to collect, analyze, evaluate, and summarize the importance and satisfaction of the library collections and services from the sport graduate students.
    There are four purposes in this study. The first is to investigate the information needs and information-seeking behavior of sport graduate students. The second is to probe the library usage status and support information needs of sport graduate students. The third is to understand the needs and desires of physical collections and electronic holdings using the current situation and satisfaction by sport graduate students in the NTSU library. The fourth is to come up with an improvement plan for the library collections and services on the subject matter of sport research based on the results of interview survey highlighted importence gap and satisfaction gap usage by the sport graduate students.
    In order to attain the research results, a survey questionnaire has formed based on the methodology of interview survey to evaluate sport graduate students concerning library satisfaction, use, and importence. The design of questionnaire has considered three facets that include collection content, collection service and collection application value. And the questionnaire consisted of twenty three indicators to survey totally service satisfaction. The surveys are sent to all NTSU graduate students. Results are as shown below.
    A. Sport graduate students have diverse background.
    B. Information needs required from sport graduate students are mainly for completing course assignments and for writing papers. The most commonly used item of library collection service is to borrow books.
    C. The top priorities of library collection used by sport graduate students are in order of e-journal, database, and book.
    D. The most concerns of the assistance from library service required by sport graduate students are convenience of campus computer network connectivety and suitable design of website page.
    E. About 40% of sport graduate students have low satisfaction on the library collection.
    F. Sport graduate students have high expectations of library collection.

    According to the research resuls, several suggestions are made to improve the library collection and service on the subject matter of sport research. They are as shown below.
    A. Adjust purchased categories of west e-journals, and request the electronic resources meta-search system provider to improve the correctness and the accuracy of the keyword search and expand free e-journal repositories to resolve the shortage issue of west e-journals.
    B. The capability and usability of full-text download from electronic resources needs to be improved right away.
    C. Request teaching professors to joint the library collection acquistion committee and to provide their review comments and suggestions, make sure the collections always keep up with the sport graduate students’ needs as much as possible.
    D. The user interface of library search system needs to be improved to comply with the requirements of usability.
    E. The library instruction shall be adaptive to all fields of departments and schools.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102913012
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