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Title: | 都市的五行循環-以基隆市中心的再生為例 City from the cycle of five elements perspective-Downtown Keelung City`s regeneration |
Authors: | 林姵君 |
Contributors: | 溫肇東 林姵君 |
Keywords: | 五行 都市再生 設計思考 基隆市 旭川河 Five Elements Urban Regeneration Design Thinking Keelung Xuchuan River |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-08-03 13:23:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 基隆,一個早期興盛的貿易港口,在搭乘著郵輪來台的日本老婆婆眼中,這個港口似乎還留著她年輕時所見的繁華過往。隨著產業變遷及全台各地後起發展,基隆不再是唯一貨港,反而隨著逐年興起的旅遊業,成了大量郵輪的停靠岸。基隆像是停留在過去的時空中,與現今全球都市的均一化成了極大的反差對照,但卻也因此而保存了自我的地域風貌。 近年來城市興起一股以設計、創意為主導模式,企圖帶領都市走出一條有別於以往的思考模式,都市不再是以大量開發及建設做為金流指標,而是轉向由居民的互動參與及凝聚在地情感的生活指標,城市改由在地出發,重新思考如何在價值與價格、保存與開發、過去與未來中找到平衡。 本研究以基隆市中心為研究範圍,由設計思考模式以發覺、發現、發想、發展四個過程,經由反覆的發散與收聚斂過程,透過城市五行循環與制約特性中建構出平衡機制,分別對標竿案例及研究案例做分析。在標竿案例以美國紐約High Line Park經由城市五行分析其轉化歷程發現其成功是來自於多向的平衡機制。而在研究案例以基隆市中心區域分析在城市五行運行中所導出的問題及找出問題背後的關連性,透過城市五行診斷及分析為基隆市中心的再生提出具體建議。最後經由案例分析中驗證城市五行的歸屬。 Keelung, a trading seaport boomed in late nineteenth century under the Japanese colonial era, seems still having its former glamour and busy days in the eyes of an old Japanese grandma, who just embarked from a docked cruise liner at the port in present day. Due to the change of core industrial transformation in Taiwan and the raise of other ports, Keelung is no longer the only trading seaport in the region. It has transformed to a popular cruise line destination from the recent increase in the tourism business demand. Contrast to other global cities’ modern and urban movements, Keelung looks like a city staying unchanged from its earlier days. Also because of this frozen in time, the city was able to preserve its charms and geographic terrain. During the recent decades, design thinking and creativity have been the leading model for city development. The intention behind was to create a design concept from a different thought process. Urban development is no longer targeting massive development and construction nor valued by the economic growth. Instead it is focusing on residents’ interactions within and the quality of life for the community. A city is transforming into local communities; and trying to find a balance between its value and price, between conservation and development, and between past and future. The scope of this project is downtown Keelung City. Use design thinking to review the project in four stages: Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver. From repeated divergence and convergence processes, through the cycle of five elements (in the city) with mutual generation and mutual restriction properties, a balance was formed. The comparison analysis was conducted between the High Line Park Project and this Keelung City Project. First, utilizing the five elements in the city, it was found that the success of the High Line Park project was due to a formed balance between these five. Second, the Keelung City project emphases on using the cycle of five elements to diagnose and analyze the problems and the connections between these problems among smaller sections of the downtown area. In addition, through the diagnosis and analysis, a recommendation was outlined for the Keelung City regeneration. Finally, detailed cases of the project confirm the matching category between the five elements and the city. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 101932103 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101932103 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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