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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/77129

    Title: 傳統紡織業國際擴張策略: 以探討業務據點之研究
    The Management of International Expansion Strategy for Sales and Marketing Sites in the Textile Industry
    Authors: 陳怡君
    Chen, Yi Chun
    Contributors: 黃國峯
    Chen, Yi Chun
    Keywords: 紡織產業
    textile industry
    eclectic paradigm
    international sales and marketing sites
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-08-03 13:13:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 過去紡織產業為台灣的主力產業,由於本國廠商掌握純熟的製造技術與低廉的勞力成本,促使產品達到高品質、低成本之優勢。然而,產業環境逐漸全球化,導致台灣廠商面臨中國大陸及東南亞地區勞力成本低之威脅,而喪失成本優勢,因而促使些許廠商採取海外設立製造據點策略,以因應客戶低成本的需求。但此海外擴張策略需要組織投入大量資金於建置廠房,除了提高組織之營運風險外,此策略並無法有效維持及強化自身與客戶的長遠關係,此外,台灣紡織廠商應運用研發技術之優勢,提供差異化產品以創造更高利潤。而當紡織廠商欲達到此目標且藉此拓展海外潛在客戶合作關係時,唯有利用海外業務據點之成立,才能降低營運風險,且貼近客戶端以了解需求,並提升雙方合作關係之緊密度。
    In the past, the textile industry was prosperous in Taiwan because of professional techniques and low labor costs. However, these advantages disappear gradually because of the economic growth of developing countries such as China and Vietnam. Therefore, the managers in textile enterprises in Taiwan have to develop some strategies to overcome the challenges. Most of these companies strengthen their R&D skills to make differentiated products and then gain more profits. At the same time, they will reduce the operational risk and build the strong customer relationships by establishing the overseas sale and marketing sites.
    The study uses qualitative research method to interview the vice president and the assistant manager in the case company. Furthermore, the research applies the “Eclectic Paradigm”, which was published by Dunning in 1980, to discuss how the case company used the ownership advantages, location advantages, internalization advantages and the network relationships to increase the possibility of expanding the business overseas by establishing the sites. Moreover, the research also compares the differences between the production sites and sales and marketing sites.
    To sum up, there are some findings in the research. When the ownership advantages with low cultural difference and high specific assets, the location advantages with high cluster density of the industry and high specific labor assets, the internalization advantages with high control by the headquarter will encourage the company to set the sales and marketing sites overseas. On the other hand, the internal social networks about the sale resources between the organization and affiliated companies, the external social networks with high dependency from the customers and the supporting from the host government will encourage the company to implement the global expansion strategy.
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