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Title: | 幼教工作者存在感、情緒勞務與身份畫界的探究─批判教育學觀點 Awareness of Existence, Emotional Labor and Boundaries of Identity:Extended Case Method via Perspective of Critical Pedagogy |
Authors: | 劉燕 Liu, Yen |
Contributors: | 張盈堃 Chang, Yin Kun 劉燕 Liu, Yen |
Keywords: | 存在感 情緒勞務 身份畫界 批判教育學 awareness of existence emotional labor boundaries of identity critical pedagogy |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-07-27 11:34:59 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討幼教工作者在龐大的情緒勞務及身份畫界下,如何找回虛無縹緲的存在感?研究田野設定在研究者家族經營二十多年的木木幼兒園,以延伸個案方法作為研究方法,並以批判教育學為理論基礎。本研究開展兩個兩向,分別為批判性的語言及可能性的語言;前者透過訪談與參與式觀察,得出身不由己、見風轉舵、若即若離的幼教工作者面貌;後者為本研究的具體行動,包括受壓迫者劇場及幼兒園課程的轉化。 本研究共有三個主要發現: 1.如何擺脫虛無縹緲的存在感─參與木木幼兒園的事務,在過程中成就幼教工作者自身認同,虛無縹緲的存在感隨風而逝,取而代之的是有一份扛在肩上且身負重任的使命感。 2.如何在不被綁手綁腳的教學環境中自由自在的享受─在愛、信任、希望與關懷的工作環境,以不同的專業能力及轉化自己的思維改善壓迫之情境。 3.如何消弭界線及其可能─界線存在於每個場域中,端看場域中的人如何運作。其中互為主體的過程正是幼教工作者之間不斷拉扯、測試邊界的互動過程,也顯示了團體中重新設定界線、學習接受差異、相互妥協的歷程。 最後,本研究提出兩項建議:教師專業與家長團體。唯有教師與家長站在同一陣線,才會開啟幼兒教育無限的可能,這也是替目前存在感、情緒勞務與身份畫界進行解套的方式。 The purpose of this study is to inquire how preschool teachers resist to false awareness of existence under the huge emotional labor and boundaries of identity in one private kindergarten operated over twenty years by the researcher’s family. The research method is extended case method and theoretical framework is critical pedagogy in this study. This study divided into two sides: a language of critique and a language of possibility. The former, with interviews and participant observations, concludes that preschool teachers carry with three characteristics: involuntary, a fence sitter, and tentative relationship. The latter deals with transformation via theatre of the oppressed and action research in curriculum change. There are three main findings from this study as follows: 1. How to resist false awareness of existence: Preschool teachers participate in kindergarten affairs, achieve their own identity, and find their great responsibilities. 2. How to enjoy the teaching environment: In love, trust, hope and caring work environment, preschool teachers have to improve the oppressed situation with different expertise and transformed the thinking. 3. How to eliminate boundaries and develop the possible strategy: boundaries exist in each field, which depends on how to function by agents in the field. In particular, the processes of inter-subjectivities bring conflict and understanding between different perspectives. This is also a strategy to eliminate the boundaries of identity, and to mutually accept differences and compromise. Finally, the study concludes with two ideas: Teacher professional and parents groups. When the preschool teachers and the parents have a collective consciousness toward education, the early childhood education will open a whole new world. It’s also a possible strategy to solve the problems of awareness of existence, emotional labor and boundaries of identity. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 幼兒教育所 102157002 |
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