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    Title: 公共議題虛擬社群上的公民參與 –從公私協力觀點分析
    Public Participation on Virtual Communities Concerning Public Issues - Perspectives from Public-Private Partnership
    Authors: 張玄熹
    Chang, Hsuan Hsi
    Contributors: 蕭乃沂
    Hsiao, Nai I
    Chang, Hsuan Hsi
    Keywords: 數位民主
    business model
    online public participation
    public-private participation
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-07-27 11:31:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 以太陽花運動為契機,引發Facebook上的熱烈討論,看似蓬勃的線上公民參與,其論述究竟是意見交流,還是相互取暖。因此本文以經濟部和反黑箱服貿協議的粉絲專頁為研究個案,根據Habermas(1984)的理想言談情境發展評估指標,以線上觀察和內容分析法判斷Facebook言論的審議程度,並訪談兩個粉絲專頁的管理人員,藉此討論Facebook作為公共領域,開啟多方溝通對話的可能。
    Due to Sunflower movement from March to April in 2014, the explosive discussion concerning public various policies emerged on Facebook and public participation appeared rising and flourishing. The author attempts to understand whether the Facebook discussion on public issues truly exchange different perspectives and thoughts, or just consoling form each other. According to Habermas’ theory of ideal speech situation, the author collects online comments on Facebook and conducts content analysis to evaluate the degree of deliberation. Two Facebook fan pages under examination include Ministry of Economic Affairs (MEA) and Anti Black Box (ABB) Cross-Trait Service Trade. Following content analyses, semi-structured interviews with both managers of the Facebook pages are conducted to explore whether and how public-private partnership (PPP) may work for public issues.
    The research framework includes business model, degree of online public participation and public-private participation. The results show that ABB’s business model is better than MEA in terms of its stable post exposure, more posts using multimedia, multiple topics and encouraging users to join the social movement. Practical value is the only indicator that MEA’s fan page surpasses ABB’s. Meanwhile, none has advantages on degree of online public participation, ABB’s Facebook page excels at reciprocity and reflexivity, while MEA’s is much better on justification and respectful listening. Although informants don’t agree that applying PPP to run Facebook pages on public issues is necessary, the author still finds some enlightenment from vTaiwan, another online platform for public participation suggested by informants.
    Based on the previous findings, managers should take notice of transparency that can make participants feel respected and accumulate trust between governments and participating netizens. Participants should be polite in online discussion and try to increase value in public comments. Follow-up studies expected may focus on how the subjects under discussion and the netizens’ perspectives affect public participation on Facebook. The emerging case, vTaiwan, is also an interesting field of online public participation.
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