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Title: | 家族企業、租稅規避與企業策略 Family Firms, Tax Avoidance, and Business Strategy |
Authors: | 張凱平 Chang, Kai Ping |
Contributors: | 何怡澄 Ho, Yi Cheng 張凱平 Chang, Kai Ping |
Keywords: | 家族企業 租稅規避 企業策略 Family Firms Tax Avoidance Business Strategy |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-07-27 11:20:02 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文之主要目的係探討家族企業與避稅之關聯性、企業策略是否影響家族企業之租稅規避行為及不同企業策略下家族企業與非家族企業避稅程度是否有異。本文以當期有效稅率、財稅差異以及剩餘財稅差異衡量企業之租稅規避,而企業策略係參照Miles and Snow (1978, 2003)所提出之策略類型進行分類,計算企業之策略分數並將企業分類為防禦者、分析者及前瞻者。研究對象為2002至2013之上市櫃公司,並排除產業性質特殊之金融業公司。實證結果發現家族企業之租稅規避程度高於非家族企業,前瞻者之企業策略會使家族企業之租稅規避程度上升,前瞻者中之家族企業避稅程度方高於非家族企業,防禦者之家族企業則無,顯示前瞻者擁有較多租稅規避機會及承擔風險之特性對於家族企業租稅規避行為有所影響。 The main purpose of this study is to examine the association between family firms and tax avoidance, to investigate whether business strategies influence the tax avoidance activities of family firms, and to find out whether the level of tax avoidance is different between family firms and non-family firms in different business strategies. Current effective tax rates, book-tax differences, and residual book-tax differences are employed to capture tax avoidance activities. This study uses Miles and Snow’s 1978 and 2003 organizational strategy typology to proxy business strategies; compute strategy score; and classify firms to Defenders, Analyzers, and Prospectors. The research samples consist domestic listed firms for the period 2002 - 2013, and the firms in the financial industry are excluded due to theirs characteristics. The empirical results show that family firms avoid more taxes than their non-family counterparts, the strategic type of Prospectors rises the level of tax avoidance of family firms significantly, the family firms in Prospectors avoid more taxes than non-family firms in Prospectors and the family firms in Defenders don’t avoid more taxes than non-family firms in Defenders. The empirical results represent that the tax avoidance of family firms is influenced by Prospectors’ characteristic of having tax-planning opportunities and embracing risk. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計研究所 102353102 |
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