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    Title: 波蘭總統專機墜毀事件的媒體框架分析:一個波蘭與俄羅斯的比較研究
    Media Framing of the 2010 Polish Air Force Crash – A Comparative Content Analysis of Media Coverage in Poland and Russia
    Authors: 高若琳
    Goebel, Karolina
    Contributors: 施琮仁
    Shih, Tsung Jen
    Goebel, Karolina
    Keywords: 媒體框架
    Media Framing
    Content Analysis
    Comparative Study
    2010 Polish presidential plane crash
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-07-13 11:14:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文探討了如何選定波蘭(TVN24)和俄羅斯(RT)新聞媒體誣陷,來源和歸屬於斯摩棱斯克,俄羅斯,2010年波蘭總統專機墜毀從2010年4月10日的新聞報導的責任2011年1月20日。
    This paper examines how selected Polish (TVN24) and Russian (RT) news media framed, sourced and attributed the responsibility in the news coverage of the 2010 Polish Presidential plane crash in Smolensk, Russia, from April 10, 2010 to January 20, 2011. Through a content analysis of 519 news stories, this study shows that the most common frames were attribution of responsibility, human interest, international relations, conflict, con-spiracy theories, and Katyn Forest massacre for TVN24, and attribution of responsibility, in-ternational relations, human interest, conspiracy theories, conflict, and Katyn Forest massacre for RT. In the media coverage of the plane crash frames changed over time as the unfolding event brought attention to new issues. Additionally, results showed that both outlets put the responsibility for the crash on pilots. The most common sources in the two media outlets were politicians/officials and experts.
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