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Title: | 不同多媒體合作標註對於國小學童英語字彙學習成效的影響研究 A Study on the Effects of Collaborative Multimedia Annotations on Elementary School Students’ Vocabulary Learning Performance |
Authors: | 李懿融 Li, Yi Rong |
Contributors: | 陳志銘 Chen, Chih Ming 李懿融 Li, Yi Rong |
Keywords: | 合作式數位標註 多媒體 字彙學習 英語學習動機 認知風格 cooperative digital annotation multimedia vocabulary learning English learning motivation cognitive style |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-07-13 11:12:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 英語字彙的知識和能力是學好英語的關鍵因素之一,同時亦是影響閱讀流暢度的主要原因。但英語字彙教學常受限於時間及語言學習環境的限制,致使學習成效有限。隨著資訊科技的進步,許多研究著手於發展科技輔助英語字彙學習系統來輔助學習者進行英語字彙學習,希望能將英語字彙學習擴展到課程之外的時間。過去閱讀標註系統已被成功應用在提升學生的閱讀及字彙能力,然而相關的研究大都以使用文字、圖片和影片單一標註功能為主,鮮少研究探討多媒體閱讀標註對於字彙學習的研究。此外,閱讀標註部份也以教師的標註輔助學習為主,未有透過學生合作標註輔以英語字彙學習的研究。鑒於多媒體標註功能對教學的助益,本研究探討以具多媒體標註功能的數位閱讀標註系統來輔助英語字彙學習,不同多媒體標註組合對於英語字彙學習的影響差異。
據此,本研究探討在英文閱讀文本上讓國小學童採用文字及聲音(學生錄音)、圖片及聲音(學生錄音)與文字、圖片及聲音(學生錄音)等三種不同多媒體閱讀標註輔以英語字彙學習,對於兒童英語字彙學習成效、英語學習動機、學習滿意度以及記憶保留的影響差異。此外,也進一步探討採用上述三種不同多媒體閱讀標註輔以英語字彙學習,對於不同認知風格、不同英語能力及不同性別學童的英語字彙學習成效、英語學習動機、學習滿意度,以及記憶保留的影響差異,希望能發展出最有助於兒童基於多媒體閱讀標註輔以英語字彙學習的有效閱讀標註輔助學習模式。 研究結果發現:(1)採用語音標註搭配文字及圖片標註的學童在英語字彙學習的成效上,顯著優於採用語音標註搭配圖片標註的學童,而採用語音標註搭配圖片標註的學童之成效又顯著優於採用與語音標註搭配文字標註的學童;(2)採用語音標註搭配文字及圖片標註以及採用語音標註搭配圖片標註的學童在英語字彙記憶保留的成效上顯著優於採用語音標註搭配文字標註的學童;(3)採用三種不同多媒體搭配進行合作式閱讀標註的學童,其英語學習動機除了使用語音標註搭配文字標註的學童在「動機強度」向度的表現顯著優於使用語音標註搭配圖片標註的學童外,其餘向度未達顯著差異;而學習滿意度均無顯著差異;(4)採用語音標註搭配文字及圖片標註的圖像型學童,在英語字彙學習成效顯著高於採用語音標註搭配文字標註的圖像型學童;(5)採用語音標註搭配文字及圖片標註進行英語字彙學習的圖像型學童之英語字彙學習保留成效,顯著優於採用語音標註搭配文字標註的圖像型學童;(6)採用語音標註搭配文字及圖片標註的高分組學童之英語字彙學習成效,顯著高於採用語音標註搭配文字標註以及採用語音標註搭配圖片標註的高分組學童;(7)採用語音標註搭配文字及圖片標註的高分組學童之英語字彙學習保留成效,顯著優於採用語音標註搭配文字標註的高分組學童;(8)學童採用語音標註搭配文字、語音標註搭配圖片標註、語音標註搭配文字及圖片標註三種模式進行合作式閱讀標註,其英語字彙學習成效與英語字彙記憶保留程度,以及英語學習動機與學習滿意度之間具顯著相關性。最後,本研究亦提出應用多媒體標註於英語教學以及未來研究方向上的建議。 English vocabulary knowledge and capability are the key factors in well learning English as well as the major factor in reading fluency. Nonetheless, English vocabulary teaching is often restricted to time and language learning environments to further restrict the learning achievement. With the advance of information technology, a lot of research focuses on developing technology-assisted English vocabulary learning systems to help learners’ English vocabulary learning, expecting to expand English vocabulary learning to the time beyond lessons. Past reading annotation systems were successfully applied to enhance students’ reading and vocabulary capabilities. However, most relevant research stressed on single annotation function of text, picture, and video, but seldom on multimedia reading annotation towards vocabulary learning. Moreover, reading annotation also concentrated on teacher annotation-assist learning, but not on student cooperative annotation assisted English vocabulary learning. In consideration of the assistance of multimedia annotation in teaching, a digital reading annotation system with multimedia annotation functions is utilized for English vocabulary learning to discuss the effects of different multimedia annotation combination on English vocabulary learning.
Accordingly, English vocabulary learning assisted with different multimedia reading annotation of text & voice (student recording), picture & voice (student recording), and text, picture & voice (student recording) in English reading texts for elementary pupils is investigated the effects on children’s English vocabulary learning achievement, English learning motivation, learning satisfaction, and memory retention. Furthermore, the above multimedia reading annotation assisted English vocabulary learning are also discussed the effects on English vocabulary learning achievement, English learning motivation, learning satisfaction, and memory retention of pupils with different cognitive styles, English capabilities, and genders, expecting to develop the most effective reading annotation assisted learning model based on multimedia reading annotation assisted English vocabulary learning. The research findings are summarized as below. (1) Pupils applying voice annotation with text & picture annotation significantly outperform the ones with voice annotation and picture annotation on English vocabulary learning achievement, while the ones with voice annotation with picture annotation remarkably outperform those voice annotation and text annotation. (2) Pupils applying voice annotation with text & picture annotation and the ones applying voice annotation with picture annotation notably outperform the others with voice annotation and text annotation on the achievement of English vocabulary memory retention. (3) Among pupils applying different multimedia with cooperative reading annotation, the ones with voice annotation and text annotation present significantly better performance than those with voice annotation and picture annotation on Motive Strength in English learning motivation, but not on the rest dimensions. Besides, the learning satisfaction does not appear remarkable difference. (4) Pictorial pupils applying voice annotation with text & picture annotation notably present higher English vocabulary learning achievement than those pictorial pupils with text annotation. (5) Pictorial pupils applying voice annotation with text & picture annotation significantly outperform the other pictorial pupils with voice annotation and text annotation on the achievement of English vocabulary learning retention. (6) High-score pupils applying voice annotation with text & picture annotation remarkably outperform the other high-score pupils applying voice annotation with text annotation and voice annotation with picture annotation on English vocabulary learning achievement. (7) High-score pupils applying voice annotation with text & picture annotation notably outperform the other high-score pupils with voice annotation and text annotation on the achievement of English vocabulary learning retention. (8) Pupils applying different cooperative reading annotation of voice annotation with text annotation, voice annotation with picture annotation, and voice annotation with text & picture annotation show significant correlations between English vocabulary learning achievement and English vocabulary memory retention as well as English learning motivation and learning satisfaction. Finally, suggestions for applying multimedia annotation to English teaching and for future research directions are also proposed in this study. |
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