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    Title: 具行動閱讀機制支援之合作閱讀標註系統對於閱讀歷程及成效的影響研究
    Assessing Effects of Collaborative Reading Annotation with Mobile Reading Mechanisms on Reading Processes and Performance
    Authors: 周嘉瑩
    Chou, Chia Ying
    Contributors: 陳志銘
    Chen, Chih Ming
    Chou, Chia Ying
    Keywords: 行動閱讀
    mobile reading
    mobile learning
    digital reading
    collaborative reading annotation
    reading comprehension achievement
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-07-13 11:12:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 行動學習具有線上學習的優點,卻又同時具有輕便可攜、運用零碎時間的優勢,使閱讀學習無所不在。目前多數行動學習研究多著重於中小學,對於大學研究對象的著墨較少。因此,本研究探究有無行動閱讀支援之「合作數位閱讀標註系統」輔以學習,對於學習者的閱讀理解成效、閱讀態度、閱讀動機、團體效能與凝聚力的影響差異。本研究以準實驗設計法來進行整體實驗規劃,讓研究對象依序體驗無及有行動閱讀支援之「合作數位閱讀標註系統」輔以合作閱讀學習的閱讀理解成效差異,並透過問卷調查法分析研究對象閱讀態度、閱讀動機、團體效能與凝聚力差異,最後透過深度訪談,蒐集研究對象對於此次整體閱讀活動進行前、過程中和實驗後的學習感受並加以分析歸納。


    Mobile learning with the advantages of online learning as well as being handy, portable, and applied in trivial time allows reading and learning being ubiquitous. Most current research on mobile learning focused on junior high and elementary schools, but little on universities. This study therefore intends to investigate the effects of Collaborative Reading Annotation System assisted learning with/without the support of mobile reading on learners’ reading comprehension achievement, reading attitudes, reading motivation, group efficacy, and cohesiveness. The experiment is planned with quasi-experimental design, allowing the research participants experiencing the difference in the reading comprehension achievement with Collaborative Reading Annotation System assisted cooperative reading and learning with/without the support of mobile reading. Besides, questionnaire survey is utilized for analyzing the participants’ reading attitudes, reading motivation, group efficacy, and cohesiveness. Finally, in-depth interview is applied to collect the participants’ learning perception before, during, and after the reading experiment for further analyses and conclusion.

    The research findings are summarized as following. 1. Collaborative Reading Annotation System with the support of mobile reading could enhance the reading and learning achievement. 2. Cooperative learning could help an individual break through blind spots on learning, while peer stance and not willing to over-sharing with others are the learning barriers of cooperative annotation assisted learning. 3. Screen size could affect mobile reading intention. 4. The use of fragmentary time could be the strengths or weaknesses. 5. Under pure text mode, paper-based reading mode outperforms digital reading, which is affirmed the environmental protection, not being waste, and being diversified. 6. Text preference and types would influence mobile reading participation. 7. Group members would affect teamwork.

    Finally, suggestions based on the research results are proposed for future research and promotion of mobile reading.
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